Slant Six Forum

combustion chamber questions
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Author:  darrt wells [ Thu May 14, 2009 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  combustion chamber questions

I have a couple of combustion chamber questions to ask:

1. Last week i cc'd my cylinder head and i ended up with 59cc chambers, is that some what normal for the SL6 combustion chamber to be that much larger than the spec 54cc chamber?

2. I plan to mill the heads approx 0.033" to get back to 54cc size, (so that i will have a CR of 10.25:1 with the k1/Wiseco setup). Will it be safe to use NGK ZFR5N extended tip spark plugs with this combo, or could i be running the risk of the piston hittng the plug? Would i even notice/see any performance difference over using the extended tip as compared to running a regular NGK GR5?

Thanks, Owen

Author:  sandy in BC [ Thu May 14, 2009 5:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

is that some what normal for the SL6 combustion chamber to be that much larger than the spec 54cc chamber?
Would i even notice/see any performance difference over using the extended tip as compared to running a regular NGK GR5?
We cant know. I suggest trying both. I like the ZFR5N and use it ,,,,,,but I doubt I can quantify my results.

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