Slant Six Forum

Machine shop in Phx,AZ
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Author:  hellion_locdogg [ Wed May 20, 2009 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Machine shop in Phx,AZ

Looking for a reputable machine shop to have my head milled in Phx.
I have a few in mind, just looking for recommendations...

Thanks, Cliff

Author:  maxsat65 [ Thu May 21, 2009 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  phx machine shop


GENE'S ENGINE SERVICE is the shop we have used for years.


19 Ave and Deer Valley Road area

They did the work on Ken M's car that he bought from me last summer.

He seemed to have a valve receding into the head problem that showed up on his drive back to the east coast .

Also the amount taken off the head can affect header clearance with a power steering box. (cilfford 2 piece headers)

They also bored the engine and squared the top of the block.

We built a 225 with turbo 2.2 pistons, 198 rods and a "magnum number " comp cam.

Check with Ken how it runs. I wish i had never sold it.

rob lipinski
any Qs 6237603452

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