Slant Six Forum

Carb and Choke issues i think
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Author:  81dodged150 [ Sun May 31, 2009 1:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Carb and Choke issues i think

When i go to start my truck in the morning it will fire right off but then when i go to put it in gear or even let it sit there for 15-30 seconds it just kills. Ive tried adjusting the choke to no avail but i think its were its suppose to be. The problem is is that i noticed that when i start it the choke opens all the way up like the motor is warmed up and that's why it kills i believe because its sucking too much air. Also it misses all the time now, only at idle when its hot or cold but its minor. I think it is a vacuum leak so i replaced all the hoses and it hasent changed. So i would like to ask anyone on here if they could post a picture of a truck similar to mine for the routing of vacuum lines without any emissions on it. This truck did have the lean burn but i took it off and it is an 1981 D150

Author:  raPoM [ Sun May 31, 2009 3:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

What ignition did you replace the lean burn with? Factory,MSD or HEI? What carb are you running?

Unhook the choke stove arm from the carb when its cold and hold the choke mostly closed while someone else starts the car,see if that helps.If so you will need a new stove.

Could be carb or ignition related.But the above advise is free so it may be worth a try first. If it works, it will only help with the cold starts.You may have other issues causing the miss/ping.

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