Slant Six Forum

Carb issues...Holley 1945
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Author:  plymouthfury [ Tue Jul 14, 2009 11:28 am ]
Post subject:  Carb issues...Holley 1945

I can't seem to get my '75 Scamp running decent with this Holley 45...

If I shut her off..she will be flooded when I try to start if she sits for over 5 minutes. You can take the air cleaner off and just watch the gas vapor rise from the carb and soon see gas leaking onto the intake.

If I turn a left turn suddenly the engine seems to not be getting any fuel...and usually will stall out

So, I rebuilt the carb...she ran a bit better..but still have same problems...I've never had this much trouble with a carb...I didn't replace the the kit did not come with one..but I did notice that the float isnt made of brass...could that be a problem?

Any advice? Anyone got another carb?

It gets a bit embarrassing when it takes five minutes to start your car in a parking lot then you blow black gassy smoke all over people near you when she finally starts... :lol:

I'm about to rig up my old carter BB off my flathead 6 on here! Atleast it ran good.


Author:  65Dodge100 [ Tue Jul 14, 2009 11:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Those are classic symptoms for a sinking float, maladjusted float, or leaky needle and seat/inlet valve. Some of those floats absorb gas and get heavy after a while.


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue Jul 14, 2009 11:50 am ]
Post subject: 

The first couple years of Holley 1945s ('74, '75) were pretty "buggy". There were a lot of TSBs issued. Do the Fuel line mod, that'll help a lot with hot starting and idling. Avoid "remanufactured" carburetors from parts stores; they're trash. Carburetor operation and repair manuals (and some training movies) are posted here for free download. I probably have a new carburetor for you; if you want one, send me a PM.

Author:  plymouthfury [ Tue Jul 14, 2009 12:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Whoever owned the car before me sorta did the "Fuel line mod"

They just hacksawed the metal line at the carb and fuel pump and added rubber hose in between...the fuel filter is above the valve cover however...

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

On my 74 1945 the float used to rub and hang up going around corners and cause all kinds of problems. Get a new one and align/bend it carefully so it doesn't rub.

Or find a R7585 1920 EconoMaster like I over. It is a great carb! :D

Author:  74DartSport [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Back in 1981, my 74 Dart with a Holley 1945 would die while turning right or left (don't remember which) yet had no problem turning the other way. I had a mechanic replace the float and never had a problem with it again.

Now I have a 1920 with a 73 engine in my 74. I ordered a rebuild kit from Holley and also a new float. With help from the FSM, I had no problem rebuilding the carb. A new float is not that expensive.

Author:  plymouthfury [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thats it exactly..I can turn the hardest right turn I want...but a left turn causes the car to die...

I ordered a new float... I'll see how that works...

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