Slant Six Forum

Whats this stuff in my gas tank?
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Author:  ESP47 [ Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Whats this stuff in my gas tank?

I took the gas tank out of my 67 Valiant because the fuel had been sitting in there for 2 years according to the guy who sold it told me. It only had about 2 gallons in there but it had turned to a gold/amber color. When I pulled the sending unit out, I noticed it had no sock on it. While pouring out, I noticed these strange strips of fabric/filter. They are black and they are almost like a miniature version of the straps on your backpack from back in school. They are very brittle and hard to handle without breaking. Most were around 3/4" wide and 1 1/2" long. I've probably found about 5 of them total. Also I found this plastic piece just rolling around inside there. It clips loosely around the sending unit pick up tube but I'm not sure what its for or if its just foreign matter.

Also inside the tank looks fairly clean. I don't see any rust or gunk in there. Just some of the amber color on parts of the walls inside but the entire thing isn't covered in it. No build up of it, just kinda stained looking. Think that soapy water and maybe a chain or something inside of there should be good enough to clean it out?

The weird material in the picture is only about 1/4x1/4". I couldn't find a bigger piece when I went back out there. It's zoomed quite a bit so you can see the fibers, but it just looks black in person.





Author:  Joshie225 [ Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

You have found the remnants of the plastic sock that goes on the pickup tube.

Author:  ESP47 [ Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ok thanks. I figured that but wasn't sure since all the socks I've seen have been a white/cream color. What about the clip thing?

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