Slant Six Forum

Carb tuning/Air/Fuel Ratio "Map"
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Author:  tlrol [ Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Carb tuning/Air/Fuel Ratio "Map"

So I am tuning my Weber 32/36 to behave with the winter blend fuels (in Spokane, WA) using my Air/Fuel meter. Generally I try to run right at stoich at idle and at cruise. I tweak things to run a tad rich with the secondary open which gives me a mostly flat profile around 14:1 at idle and cruise with a drop to rich (around 12 to 13:1) when opened up. Performance is brisk(for a stock slant)--however, I am always suspicious that I am leaving some mileage or performance on the table. Obviously if this was fuel injection I could play around a bunch but it is a progressive two barrel. As easy as it is to change jets it does get old after a while so I am hoping someone can share some thoughts on fuel "mapping" so I can dial in this thing a bit more. Short of a dyno run (expensive) I am using a Fuel/Air meter with logging capability so I can reconstruct fairly well the F/A ratio under a variety of loading/throttle conditons.

Thoughts anyone? This is in a truck with an A 833 OD with a 3.5 rear. Super Six manifold and Mopar EI. I am really wondering what is left in the stock motor for mileage/power. Right now mileage is in the middle teens which is probably the limit on a truck...I imagine I could eak out a few more miles per gallon but I drive some hilly drives so probably not. Anyway, it is an excellent state of tune with a stock truck distributor governor, springs, etc...I wonder if I need to dive into the distributor next , or maybe first?

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

If the distributor curve is not complimentary with the jetting you maybe leaving some performance and mileage on the table. Why not pick up a spare electronic distributor to work on......

Author:  emsvitil [ Tue Dec 01, 2009 10:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Since it's progressive, I'd try to go leaner in cruise. (15:1~15.5:1)

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