Slant Six Forum

Mating 2 slant 6's together inline.
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Author:  QuadGuy [ Sun Dec 06, 2009 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Mating 2 slant 6's together inline.

I have a friend who is building a "rat rod".. we were talking about what he planned on doing under the hood (if there is a hood), and he brought up that he really wished he could put 2 dodge slant 6's in line together. To me this doesn't seem like it would be to hard. Couldn't you remove the flywheel on the front motor, make an adaptor that bolted to the flywheel bolts on the front motor, then bolted to the harmonic balancer bolts on the rear motor? Obviously you would have to find a way to make sure both motors stay in perfect alignment with each other, but thats another story.

Another question i have, would it be possible to bolt them up 45* or 90* off from one another to get a different sound, or would this cause some weird balance problems? To me having 2 slant 6's bolted together, and having it still sound like 1 slant 6 because they are firing the exact same cylinder at the exact same time is kinda lame..

As far as fuel/ignition i figured for now we would just treat them as separate engines, leave the stock manifolds/carbs/ignition system on each motor and hope they play well together.

Am i crazy or is there something big i'm overlooking here that would make this turn out really bad. I don't want to take the time to design and machine an adapter for this if it won't work. Not to mention im just getting started learning cad and how to run a Bridgeport mill..


Now i'm wondering if that balancer/front of the crank can take the 145hp from the first motor? I'm pretty sure at the least i would have to add a second key way for the balancer, but i wonder if that is enough.

Author:  Joshie225 [ Sun Dec 06, 2009 5:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

How long is this "rat rod" going to be? I'd just turbo one slant and get double the power that way.

Author:  sandy in BC [ Sun Dec 06, 2009 5:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Run two slants side by side into a transfer case with a single outlet. have the driver side one setup conventionally and the passengerside backwards. Intake in the middle Exhaust to the outside.

Munster Koach

450" v12

Author:  QuadGuy [ Sun Dec 06, 2009 5:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

we've already talked about those possibilities, but the whole point here is to be different, and not necessarily have the best of the best type setup. It is going to be quite long and we are fine with that. I would like to do the side by side setup but that would take alot more fabrication. (intake, transfercase, etc....) just stuff i don't want to deal with.

Author:  tophat [ Sun Dec 06, 2009 6:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

That is truly a sick idea !!! I like it, a lot.

Would 1 starter on the rear engine be enough to turn them both?
Weren't there some marine slants designed to run backwards?


Author:  sandy in BC [ Sun Dec 06, 2009 6:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Side by side would require a reverse rotation engine. Some marine engines were reverse rotation.

Author:  emsvitil [ Sun Dec 06, 2009 11:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Staggered V.........

Front engine normal orientation; slant to passenger side.

Rear engine flipped so it's flywheel is next to the front engine flywheel; slant towards drivers side..

Gears on flywheels; the flipping fore/aft of the rear engine will have flywheels turning in opposite directions for meshing of the gears.

Then have a rear drive transmission attached to front engine. Hole in bellhousing for meshing of flywheels.

if you want, have transmission on rear engine (hole in bellhousing too) for front wheel drive......... (use differential to fix any turning wheels in correct direction problems)

Author:  Slanted Opinion [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:00 am ]
Post subject: 

Find the people who compete in Tractor Pulls at the state fairs. 2, 3, and 4 engined tractors are common in those competitions.

If anyone knows how to mate engines together, they do!

- Mac

Author:  wvenable [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:00 am ]
Post subject: 

Quadguy, I like the way you think! Had the same idea a few months back. Some of the old slingshot dragsters ran multiple engines. Should be a way to couple these things crank to crank. I abandoned the idea because my budget won't allow two of everything for the engines. I'm going to have plenty of $'s in just the one! Good luck and keep us posted as to what you find out. Thanks, Wayne.

Author:  QuadGuy [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well i think i'm getting somewhere, i found this pic and it game me some inspiration as to how i can do this without the angle of each motor in relation to each other being so critical.

If he still wants to do this by the time he gets started, i plan to machine a part similar to this, but with a rubber boot and a greasesert. This should allow for a little bit of give without things breaking. What i'll prob. do is use a 24v starter and have 2 12v batteries to crank the beast over.

I'll prob. have him internally balance both engines, get rid of the balancer on the rear motor. Make the rear part of the coupler with 2 slots for keyway (and machine second keyway 180* off on the crank for another pin for strength). Would it do any damage to drill a 5/16" hole threw the center of the crank and have 2 holes on either side of the coupler so i could put a bolt threw there to make sure it stays put, and add some torsional strength.

I'm just wondering how bad the frame is going to flex and how much of an angle it will put on this coupler... I guess if it flexes to much we will just have to stiffen the frame up.

I'm sure it will be a while before we ever get started on this but i was just kinda thinking aloud and asking for some opinions as to weather its feasable for him to have is buzzin dozen or to look in another direction.

Author:  adiffrentcity [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

buzzin dozen... love it!


Author:  sandy in BC [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 3:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

I like Ed's idea....cept Id sub in a chain drive instead of gears .....and I would do it on the front.

You could have both of them drive an alternator(440v).....and drive the wheels with a 300hp electric motor. Reverse is easy.

.....or mebbe 2 slants driving hydraulic pumps....rubber tracks.....

Author:  emsvitil [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 4:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

I like Ed's idea....cept Id sub in a chain drive instead of gears .....and I would do it on the front.
With chain drive, one engine would have to be reverse rotation........ (if flywheel to flywheel)

Author:  QuadGuy [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 7:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

buzzin dozen... love it!

Only real pieces we have so far is the cab and one engine, when i get a chance i'll get a pic of it, i don't even know what it is to tell you the truth (the cab that is) but were going to use it lol :)

The cab will be pretty much at the very rear of the frame, with a long nose sticking out to house the engines. Donuts are sure to be very nauseating and violent in the cab :)

Author:  QuadGuy [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 7:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh and with help from a member of another forum i'm on quite a bit ( i've figured out how to get a really neat sound out of this setup. Take 6 cylinders, divided by 360 degrees of rotation, you get one piston firing every 60 degrees, so if you had the motors 30 degrees out of sync one way or another, there would technically be 12 individual audible fires, instead of six if they were straight up. Anyone have a sound clip of a slant 6? I'm thinking i could use audacity (sound editing program) to copy the sound file into two separate tracks and offset them to try and get an idea of what it will sound like.

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