Slant Six Forum

oh no, its got a miss.
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Author:  theomahamoparguy [ Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  oh no, its got a miss.

started the dodge p/u the other morn. It was about -6* outside. Revved it up a bit to keep her goin better. (need a new choke coil I know).
Took off driving before she totally warmed up and shortly thereafter it started to miss. Just a constant mild miss, checked plugs/wires and they seemed ok. Is it possible to bust a valve spring becouse of these conditions? Anyway, going to pull the valve cover and check it out. Might as well adjust the valves while there. Any tips if it is a valve spring?
What spring would work on the stock motor. I've got some brand new small-block springs, stock application for a 89 318.??

Author:  hantayo13 [ Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

the small block springs will work that what i have in mine....i also have a spring compressor that works on top of head ,just thread a rope in cylinder and hand turn over till it tight against vavle...replace all springs

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wait a sec. Why are we assuming there's a broken valve spring? There probably is not. If the choke is nonexistent or broken, that right there (and related carburetion issues) could certainly cause the miss described.

Author:  ceej [ Mon Jan 04, 2010 6:24 am ]
Post subject: 

I agree with Dan'O! :lol:

Slant Sixes almost universally run terrible when cold. Not having a functional choke means it's going to run like crud longer.

Revving while warming up may have been your downfall. You may have compromised your manifold gasket. The stack floats on the head until the engine is up to temperature. Allow the engine to heat up gently and uniformly.

I have no choke nor provision for carb heat. I have to babysit the car for a couple minutes to get it up and running long enough to idle. Watch the revs, don't get them too high and don't stomp on it till your fully up to temp! :shock:

Most of the time a miss is a tight valve or a mixture problem.


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:22 am ]
Post subject: 

Slant Sixes almost universally run terrible when cold.
:shock: SHH!!! Quiet down, dangit! My '73 will hear you! It doesn't know it's supposed to run terrible when cold, so it starts up immediately and runs smoothly even when it's well below freezing out. I don't wanna screw that up, so SHHHHH!
Revving while warming up may have been your downfall. You may have compromised your manifold gasket.
H'mm. I haven't really ever associated revving when cold with a bad manifold gasket, and I'm having trouble imagining how the one could cause the other. Revving a cold engine is a very poor idea, certainly, because the oil is cold and stiff (especially if the owner has made the common error of using an oil far thicker than he should) and so the engine parts are poorly lubricated. But revving while cold causing manifold gasket failure…? I could be convinced, but for now I'm sceptical. :-)
The stack floats on the head until the engine is up to temperature.
Well, yeah, but I still don't see how revving will affect that one way or another.

Most of the time a miss is a tight valve or a mixture problem.
...or an ignition fault...

Author:  volaredon [ Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:58 am ]
Post subject: 

wait a minute on those springs; if those springs are designed for exhaust valve rotators, they are shorter than springs designed for no rotators... and trucks quite often had these on them.

Author:  Doc [ Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Me... before I pull the valve cover, I pull-off plug wires, one at a time to find-out which cylinder is missing.
Then I pull that spark plug... it could be a fouled plug causing the miss.
If those checks fail to solve the issue, pull the valve cover, it could have jumped a push rod during the cold reving.

Author:  theomahamoparguy [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  missing when cold

Thanks guys for the replies. Sorry I didn"t get back sooner, got sidetracked. The big problem is that it is so cold out that It makes it hard to work on anything. I would kill for a heated garage. Even 30 degrees would be great. (-20 sucks). It is still missing but not any worse. Will check things out tomorrow. Will try the "pulling the plug wire" trick.
Man, I wish I were in Arizona right now.

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