Slant Six Forum

Super six linkages
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Author:  /6 Matt [ Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Super six linkages

I bought a Super Six manifold for For A Bodies Only (bare manifold) and I was wondering.

1. If the oem design kick down and throttle linkages will work with any carb or only the carter 2 bbl.

2. If it does, does If anybody has a kickdown and throttle linkage for free or under $50 (we're on a super tight budget).

3. If anybody knows of an aftermarket company that sells them. Universal or repro.

4. Planning on scouring the junkyards for pintos, vegas, rabbits or 2.2 liter chrysler engines with a staged two barrel. Does anybody know the what the best staged two barrel is, and where to find it.

Author:  /6 Matt [ Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Forgot to mention, the car is a daily driver. I'm using a super six setup while I mess around with my three barrel Idea.

Author:  Doc [ Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

The 2 bbl linkage is different then the 1bbl parts.

Author:  /6 Matt [ Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

The 2 bbl linkage is different then the 1bbl parts.
I already knew that, I'm sorry I didn't state myself clearly. What I should have said:

Does the OEM design super six linkage work for any two barrel, or only the carter?

Author:  Reed [ Mon Feb 01, 2010 4:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

With a little creativity, the Super Six kickdown can be adapted to many different carbs, SO LONG as the throttle opens the same way as the stock Super six carb. In other words, if the throttle linkage os on the left side of the carb and the throttle opens by pulling back towards the driver, then you might be able to use a Super Six kickdown.

I have personally used a Super Six kickdown with a Carter BBD, a Holley 2280, and an Edelbrock Performer carb. I have also heard of other people successfully using the Super Six kickdown with Holley 2300 carbs.

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