Slant Six Forum

More electrical problems... or maybe the same ones??
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Author:  lectricman [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  More electrical problems... or maybe the same ones??

O.K. guys, I have replaced the pick up module, plugs, wires, cap, and button. Ran fine for a day but would "burp" through the carb. (not really a back fire, there was no pop) Thought maybe fuel.... Rebuilt carb and replaced filter. After this I couldn't get it to hit. I am working on it alone and it is hard to be under the hood and in the cab trying to start it. An employee on his own time at Advance helped me do some chasing and here is what we found. By pulling the coil wire off the distributor and grounding it, turning the key to start... no spark, but when I turned the key back to the off position it hit just as it turned off. Am I confusing anyone yet?? I ran a jumper wire from battery hot to the +side of the coil and it fired up. Is this a sign of a bad resister (ceramic piece on fire wall) or is this in my switch. I am an Electrician by trade but auto electrics confuse the tar out of me... :shock: Any ideas or suggestions on what to look for or check?? Thanks a lot guys, your a big help and greatly appreciated...

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  I vote..

If it hit while you were turning it off, then I vote it's your ignition switch.
I had a buddy who had to "jiggle" the key to get his old valiant to fire, eventually it died and he had to get a switch...

Nice looking truck by the way!


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yup, I'm voting for ignition switch too, as a first suspect. Our vehicles read this board, which is why when one car has a particular trouble others decide to do it, too. Peer pressure! :roll:

Author:  lectricman [ Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:06 am ]
Post subject: 

:lol: :lol: @ Dan
thanks... is it hard to change???

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