Slant Six Forum

Well, it's alive again!
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Author:  WhaleMstr [ Sun Feb 28, 2010 1:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Well, it's alive again!

Yesterday was an eventful day.
I got the head on and installed and the intake/exhaust on and installed.
One of my twin sons decided he wanted to help dad - so I had him putting head bolts in and helping put all the pushrods in and partially adjusted.

He and his brother helped clean everything before I hefted the head in place, then the one ran in to play computer games and the other stayed and helped.

Was able to get the rest of it back together and adjusted the valves cold to .020 and it started and I was able to let it idle until it got warm - then it proceeded to push a ton of water out of the radiator - which I kept un-covered while warming up.

I then readded water and ran it again - and since nothing pushed up and out for a few minutes I capped it off and let it run again - since it was running mode hot by then, I adjusted the valves for real - .018 is what I remember my cam card calling for - both in and out.

Have tried to get the dam carb to adjust properly - but close is as close as I can get. Took it out for a run up the hill and back and it "seems" just fine.

Gonna have to let it cool off a bit and then maybe later try taking it out on the road and see if it actually runs or not???

Oh well - life in the fast lane as usual.
Will see what happens - do not see any oil leaks or stuff squirting out anywhere - the new oil is up to where it should be with nothing mixed in - -will have to check the water when it cools.

Wonder if I will get 5 years out of this head gasket?? LOL

Later ya'll

Author:  sandy in BC [ Sun Feb 28, 2010 1:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice to see you back in the saddle Dan.

Author:  Reed [ Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:33 pm ]
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Author:  WhaleMstr [ Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:18 pm ]
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Here's hoping it will last!!

Author:  Eric W [ Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:18 pm ]
Post subject: 


Author:  WhaleMstr [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 12:29 pm ]
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Update: Took the boys to school this AM and noticed a "sound".
The boys noticed it too and asked me what it was - vacuum leak!!

The only part I didn't mess with started leaking enough to whistle while we drove! lol

Turns out the gasket between the carb spacer and the manifold is now toast! Got material to make one now - since NAPA said they only had 1 in their system and it was in Kentucky!! lol

Ah yes - there's that life in the fastlane thing again!!!


Author:  WhaleMstr [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

NEXT: :lol:

Spent a couple of hours scrapping old gasket material off and then tracing and cutting 3 gaskets.

Installed - started - adjusted - and test drove!


It works better n it's ever run!!!
Still no ability to burn rubber - but - it idles - (IN DRIVE EVEN!) - starts with a flik-O-da-wrist! Plus it shifts better and it has plenty of power on the hills. Even has it's old gitupngo with a nice sound!!!

Which means???????

I screwed something up and it's gonna take a huge dump on me soon~~~!!!!



later guys

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