Slant Six Forum |
Idling a bit rough |
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Author: | dennday67 [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:55 pm ] |
Post subject: | Idling a bit rough |
Okay so heres what I got: 68 valiant, 225/904, remand carter bbs, petronix convertion kit, new vac lines, and new air cleaner. New cap, rotor plugs and wires, solid state regulator and readjusted the rockers running at temp. So I finally got to go for a nice sunday drive today since ive bought the car and it started out smooth but by the time I got home after working on my buddies 71 duster it was idling rough at each stop light. Off idle its fine and smooth but at idle its just horrable. Any ideas or areas to focus on? |
Author: | SlantSixDan [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:13 pm ] |
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"Reman" carb is always a suspect. Most of them are junk. Carburetor operation and repair manuals and links to training movies and carb repair/modification threads are posted here for free download. Tune-up parts and technique suggestions in this thread. Other potential causes of rough idle are a tappet that isn't tight enough to hold an adjustment, or vacuum leaks at the carb-to-intake or intake-to-head junction, or in vacuum-operated accessories connected to manifold vacuum -- such as the brake booster if the car has power brakes. |
Author: | 4speed [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:40 pm ] |
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I would check for vacuum leaks first around the carbs base. I have always used the WD-40 spray method. Then I would try the idle mixer screw once it was warmed up. Do not touch the ignition-it is fine, or at least good enough. Is the warm idle speed ok? To slow will cause a rough idle, use a tach. Does your egr valve work? Lynn |
Author: | dennday67 [ Mon Mar 08, 2010 5:28 am ] |
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Ill double check it all on wenesday. I did have to use the old carb base with the new carb since they were different but I did check to see if it was level and used the new gaskets. The EGR valve is new but I may have installed the wrong one. |
Author: | dennday67 [ Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:53 pm ] |
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So I did my own rendition of the fuel line mod. Went to O' Reilly and picked up a stick of preflared 5/16" fuel line. Bent it 90 deg up behind the alt, ran it in front of the valve cover (in case I need to pull it later on). then 45 deg over to the carb. Making sure theres plenty of room to change the number 1 plug. I know Im running the frowned appone fram semi clear plastic filter but the car is relatively new to me and want to monitor the condition of the gas tank. I also pulled apart the "remand" carb and found a few shoddy items and swapped the float, jet, metering rod and needle and seat from the old carb (the needle and seat are 6 months old). Reinstalled it and after warming it up tried to set the air mixture screw by ear (tach still in storage). It seems to be idling smoother in gear. I know the plugs are also frowned appone champions. Ill have to take her for a drive on my next day off and see how it goes before I start swapping out anymore "new" parts. |
Author: | 4speed [ Thu Mar 11, 2010 5:10 pm ] |
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Do you have a vacuum gauge? If so we need a reading... Lynn |
Author: | dennday67 [ Thu Mar 11, 2010 6:36 pm ] |
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In gear or in park? Hmm now it has a problem starting, I might review the parts I swapped. |
Author: | dennday67 [ Thu Mar 11, 2010 7:50 pm ] |
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Okay the two main jets have different numbers and the rod from the remand was steel while the one in the "stock" carb was brass which is why i swapped them, but the thing is the stocker had a gasket under it (from when I rebuilt it) but the remand didnt. |
Author: | 4speed [ Thu Mar 11, 2010 8:20 pm ] |
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Quote: In gear or in park? Hmm now it has a problem starting, I might review the parts I swapped. How about both? I would think "park" should be higher than "drive".
Author: | dennday67 [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:03 pm ] |
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Havnt had a chance to get back to the carb... Been working on doing a complete brake job and OMG ive never broke a single hard line on any of my other 4 A bodies but this car broke each line to all four wheel cylinders, and the driver side going to the porportioning valve. ![]() |
Author: | dennday67 [ Tue Apr 20, 2010 1:27 pm ] |
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I finally got to check the motor out friday. We sprayed started fluid around the intake and the idle picked up and smoothed out. Saturday I started working on it at 6 am and took my time changing the gaskets. It had all metal shim gaskets. I wire brushed all gasket surfaces then cleaned it with carb cleaned and wiped it down. Had to re pare a broken stud closest to the fire wall. Applied copper RTV to all gasket surfaces and let setup for about 20 min before torqueing it down to 120 in lb. Used a fel pro gasket set. Best I could find in a pinch. I allowed it to set over night before firing it up. Tuned that POS remanded carb the best I could with a tach. Right now it idles at 800 and 600 gear. It still shakes a bit in gear but that might be because of old motor mounts. I have new ones sitting in the box waiting for a good day to change them. Going to change the exhaust soon, probably going to go 2" with a glass pack. |
Author: | /6 Matt [ Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:25 pm ] |
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Quote: frowned appone frowned upon?Sorry, I obsess over spelling ![]() |
Author: | dennday67 [ Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:34 pm ] |
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sorry i was typing that on my Blackberry. |
Author: | dennday67 [ Fri May 07, 2010 12:56 am ] |
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Finally got the old Valiant running top notch, tomarrow im having the exhaust redone full 2" with a 18" glass pack. I also got bored after work and installed my gear reduction mini starter with new 4 ga pos and neg cables. |
Author: | maxracer21 [ Fri May 07, 2010 5:49 am ] |
Post subject: | a great story |
I just think happy endings are great. And they lived happily ever after ...............until he sores the only hyper pack in the kingdom max ![]() These blurbs are what are what I like about this site. |
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