Slant Six Forum

Emergency- need air pump tube
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Author:  cpfeiffer3 [ Mon Mar 29, 2010 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Emergency- need air pump tube

Hi gents,
My continuing saga of trying to get my D150 back on the road has yet another chapter. I am scrambling to find the tube that goes from the expipe right above the mini-ox to the air pump. Chrysler says the part number is 4213580 but it is a discontinued part. All the after-market stores don't even list this item. Please help. I am in dire need of getting this truck running by tomorrow to get back to work. Even if someone can tell me the thread size to temporarily put a plug in it would be a great help. Thanks so much in advance. Oh by the way I will be posting a bunch of parts from my other A833 transmission on E-Bay soon unless someone here wants to offer a reasonable price for the whole lot ( the whole tranny disassembled without an extension housing or the output shaft).

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Mar 29, 2010 8:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Is the lower end of the tube threaded into the pipe, or is it a single-bolt flange connection with gasket?

Do you still have to pass emission tests with this truck?

Once the immediate time pressure is off, you may want to proceed as suggested here. For now, if the tube is threaded in, go get a metal (brass or steel) fitting from the hardware store that will thread in correctly and has a hose barb on the other end. Exhaust shops should have special high-temp hose that can be used to connect this fitting to the cut-off end of the old tube. Or is it that the old tube is completely, entirely gone with no remains? Because if so, then you need to think about the check valve, which is also going to be missing. It looks like Lambert Auto Sales has one of the factory pipes in stock under the part number you already know; (603) 543-0188.

Author:  cpfeiffer3 [ Mon Mar 29, 2010 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Thanks Dan

It is threaded in the exhaust pipe right off the manifold before the mini-ox. I will go the route you mentioned of getting a fitting with a barb on the other end. Would you happen to know the thread size? The truck is a 84 if that helps.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Mar 29, 2010 8:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Don't know thread size, but it looks like the factory P/N for the blockoff plug is 4241 984.

Author:  zk6216 [ Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Curious

So what did come of this? my tube is broken slighty above the fitting i was able to get the tube out of the mini ox should i just get hose to run from one to the other?

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