Slant Six Forum

What the heck are these things for??
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Author:  Justin [ Sat Jul 27, 2002 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  What the heck are these things for??

hey all,

well i have an new Carter BBD and its running alittle rich for me and i want to try and get MORE gas milage so i'm asking what the hell are the two venturi cluster screws for, they look like jets but would they affect anything, i have sizes from 569 - 870, it came with 700's in the carb, thanks.


Author:  Craig [ Sat Jul 27, 2002 1:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What the heck are these things for??

Those screws are the IDLE air bleed. The little brass tubes sticking up next to them are the main system air bleeds.

I if you want to change part throttle cruising fuel ratio I'd mess with the metering rod adjustment under the sheet metal cover on top of the carb.

Before you mess with the adjustment, there is a way to measure where it is at now so you can return it to where it was.

I'm not sure how to explain what you need to know here in this message.

Somehow I (we) will have to try to come up with some instrucitions that can be understood so you can do this. I know myself by studying the carburetor parts and the good info in my factory service manuals.

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