Slant Six Forum

Weber progresive 2bbls
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Author:  rj [ Fri Aug 09, 2002 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Weber progresive 2bbls

Does anyone have any hands on experienc with a weber progresive 2bbl on a super six 2bbl manifold.I'd like to try one on a warmed up street 225.

Author:  bud L. [ Fri Aug 09, 2002 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Weber progresive 2bbls

: Does anyone have any hands on experienc with a
: weber progresive 2bbl on a super six 2bbl
: manifold.I'd like to try one on a warmed up
: street 225.
: RJ

Not exactly, but I've got one on a '74 Stupid Beetle. I 've thought two of them could work. I don't think one would do it.

Author:  Patrick Devlin [ Sat Aug 10, 2002 4:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Weber progresive 2bbls

That's exactly what I used to use. I currently have a 32/36 DGEV Weber carb on a Clifford waterheated intake.

My old setup was the same Weber 32/36 on a Mopar super six intake. I had to get an adaptor for a Datsun or something (for the Weber carb), then drill out the bottom pattern to fit the super six intake. This worked pretty well and I still think it might've given more low end torque than my Clifford intake! Perhaps this is because the adaptor was a pretty large spacer at almost 2 inches.

I still don't think I have this carb tuned perfectly, but it's an easy carb to get running decently right away. I can still get a bog if I floor it and open the mechanical secondary right away (not enough acceleration enrichment...need bigger accelerator pump jet).

If you have more questions, don't hesitate to email me.

Patrick Devlin
: Does anyone have any hands on experienc with a
: weber progresive 2bbl on a super six 2bbl
: manifold.I'd like to try one on a warmed up
: street 225.
: RJ

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