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While we're talking about gas tanks ...
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Author:  slantvaliant [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  While we're talking about gas tanks ...

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: While we're talking about gas tanks ...

Fuel tank questions:
1. What is the ID of the filler tube?
Ummm...go fish, don't have that detail in my brain. :shock:
2. Is there a downside to stainless fuel sending units?
Those are made in Taiwan by JesseLai. Are they any good? Don't know, haven't tried one; if I needed a sender for my '62 Lancer theirs would be the only option aside from NOS, so I'd probably try one. But the '63-'76 A-body sender is still available from Chrysler, p/n 4051 004, or you can get a Canadian-made Spectra unit FG19A from RockAuto.

Author:  slantvaliant [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: While we're talking about gas tanks ...

Ummm...go fish, don't have that detail in my brain. :shock:
Drat! What good are you? :wink:
No sweat, I just haven't pulled it yet.

I'm leaning toward the Spectra sender, along with their tank and lock ring, on the "Their stuff ought to fit their stuff best" theory, but poking around for price showed some options.

Author:  Sam Powell [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 5:07 am ]
Post subject: 

This looks like an interesting company, (Jesse Lai) but I could not figure out out to access a list of parts they can supply in each category. Lots of intrigue there. For instance they had bumpers listed under Classic restoration parts, but no way to see what they can supply. It makes one suspicious that maybe this is just a fancy web site with neat photos and no real products.

I say that because my business (Piano restoration) has its share of those. There are web sites with great looking facilities in the photos, and you can never find the real shop. You go there and its only a post office box at worst, or just a shack with a few broken down pianos stored.

Anyway, it sounds like you are on the right track with fixing your problem. It sounds like it is indeed time for a new tank.


Author:  WyoCowboy [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:24 am ]
Post subject:  Dante's

You may check Dante's auto parts. I got an email from them (I ordered a battery clamp from them awhile ago, and I'm on their list) that said they are now stocking complete new fuel systems: tanks, straps, hangers, sending units, lines, gaskets, tubes, up to the fuel pump. They may also stock the fuel pumps.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Jesse Lai's products are real, but they don't have any kind of an online catalogue.

Author:  slantvaliant [ Fri Jun 04, 2010 12:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

I pulled the filler neck. Pretty easy to see the gentle slope that contributes to the slosh problem. ID is about 1 5/8". This one is not exactly round ...


Right in the area where an unleaded fuel restrictor ought to go, is this:


The stamped splitter(?) starts at about 1 3/4" into the neck. I can work around the vent tube, but the other piece will probably require that I cut into the bottom of the neck. Unless I can figure a kinder, gentler way to fit and hold the restrictor in place.

More pics while I have it out and have a camera ready:





Author:  slantvaliant [ Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Got the restrictor.
It's from HERE. It's #150, the smallest one they had, with a flapper. The minimum diameter listed is 1.950".
It's not installed yet. My filler neck is about 1.65" ID, and the restrictor won't quite go in the filler neck as is. The instructions for some cars have you remove one tooth. I'll have to do that just to get it past the gas cap lock flange.
I think slotting beside the remaining teeth may be necessary, too, to allow additional bending in the smaller pipe.
Once I can get it in at about a 45 degree angle, I'll square it up with a chunk of wood and drive it in.
I'd really rather not cut and weld, if it can be avoided.

I'm not quite ready to put the new tank in - the filler neck grommet I ordered was wrong, and the ground strap is broken. More delays ...

Author:  slantvaliant [ Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:41 am ]
Post subject: 

I got the tank back in. Man, that big shiny thing makes the rest of the undercarriage look really nasty.

New tank, sender (I went with the plastic float that came with the sender, and put the brass float on the shelf), gasket, lockring, filler grommet,

The unleaded restrictor also went in before the filler neck was reinstalled. I had to clip off one point and do some shaping with the Dremel. A few slits between the top points helped adapt to the smaller diameter.

Once I could get the restrictor to go in and sit at about 45 degrees to the filler neck, I tapped the top with a screwdriver and mallet to square it up. It ended up seating just past the vent tube (about 10:00 in the photo). That should allow the nozzle to fit well, and it might help with the slosh as intended.

Sorry for the cell-phone quality, but that's all the camera I had handy.


Author:  65 dartman [ Fri Jun 18, 2010 9:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Interesting thread! It looks like it really ought to help with the fuel sloshing out on turns

Author:  slantvaliant [ Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

It doesn't seal completely, but should reduce the amount of gas that slops up to the cap. That'll help the situation (fingers crossed).

If not, it just cost a little time and effort and shouldn't hurt anything.

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