Slant Six Forum

1971 dart swinger(freya)
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Author:  crustieswinger71 [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  1971 dart swinger(freya)

well heres my project!!!
its a 1971 dart swinger. this is not the original color. the previous owner told me he took this color out of the mopar color book...or whatever. its called "mopar code yellow"
the interior has been restored to original, with the same color and style upholstery and headliner. has the original 225 slant6, which has been rebuilt about a year ago by a shopp in san diego, as well as the tranny.

i took the amtrack down to san diego to pick her up, and drove it all the way home.
my friend rick is helping me fix her up!!! this guy knows his mopars.

heres a few pictures of what i have done so far. keep a look out for more pictures, cause im stashing money away every chance i get to get this bad girl going!!

(sitting on '68 ralley wheels)







Author:  Dart270 [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sweet car! Reminds me of the '71 Dart I had back in the late '80s...


Author:  wjajr [ Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:05 am ]
Post subject: 

Yellow crustieswinger71, and welcome to the board.

Nice looking automobel, and I love the color! Who ever painted your car did a good job by the looks of your door jams. Did they also paint the engine compartment as well?

There are a lot of experienced friendly folks here on this site just waiting to help with one’s projects, just ask.

A few years ago I arrived here, and with a lot of help from the crew here, got Sponge Bob Square Trunk over the curb and burning gas in a few short months. Over the following year we got him sorted out into a decent performing transportation device.


Author:  urr-lord [ Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:48 am ]
Post subject: 

nice car.nice color.there is a local guy here in central ga that has a swinger that color with a 383 in it.

Author:  wjajr [ Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:44 am ]
Post subject: 

with a 383 in it
Nothing like a 389 to put some swing into a Swinger….

Author:  crustieswinger71 [ Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thank you all!
An to be honest... Its the worst paint job ive ever seen. The roof wasnt sanded correctly an the paint is bubbly from the old surface rust. And theres some paint on the windows an the rubber spacers by the door handles! The previous owner took it to a well known paint shop.....(cough MACO cough cough!!) cause his family had a friend who worked there. But in all honesty... It could be waaaay worse!!! And you cant tell from
a mile away the paint sucks! Im just worried about getten some power behind this car first... Then comes the "pretty stuff"

i love this car though.. Its my daily driver!!

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