Slant Six Forum

the best way to time a rebuilt engine?
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Author:  theslantingsix [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  the best way to time a rebuilt engine?

so ive been messing with timing all after noon on the duster and i cant get it right to save my life... heres how its been working out for me, i will get it to idel and then i will turn the distribuor just a hair and it will cut off. i can static time it and get it close but then i still cant get it to idel good without giving it gas. by the way it has an erson 270 cam and mopar performance advance springs. the help is most apreciated

thanks josh

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  That's why....

mopar performance advance springs.
That's why.. if you put both MP springs in you will have 100% mech advance just after idle (1200rpm actually)...These are for STRIP set the the distributor then haul it to the track on a trailer and run it... put the stock springs back in and then run the will be much happier...and so will the engine.

I can't imagine an engine with a 1973 15L governor and those springs liking 30 degrees of mechanical advance and any vacc advance and your static setting. (30+17=47+ your static setting...)


Author:  theslantingsix [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

yea i kinda wondered about them springs so tomarrow i guess ill tear it down and put the other spring in it well now ya lost me on the static timing

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Timing...

Static timing is what you set the dizzy to when the engine is off...initial may have a bit of "pick up" once the dizzy starts rotating your initial may be a bit more than the static timing.... So if you max'd out the springs and set the dizzy to 10BTDC static, and it's a 1973 stock dizzy... your above idle timing would be 30 mech+ 17 vacc (assume you have 16 inches of vacc, maybe) + 10 static = 57...about 5 degrees more than you should have at 60 mph on the flat lands...not in your garage...

Put the stock springs in, set the dizzy to 8 BTDC static, run the engine in... drive it around a while ...look up the recurve threads and get one of the spring kit from a board member and set the recipe for a little more aggression than stock and it should wake up with that combination very well...


Author:  theslantingsix [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

thanks for the help guys i got her stright now ill look in to them recurve kits just dont whant to go through all that again

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