Slant Six Forum

electronic choke conversion kit - melted plastic
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Author:  daveca5150 [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  electronic choke conversion kit - melted plastic

I purchased one of the electronic choke conversion kits for my 63 valiant when I went to the super six carb. The plastic rotating plate melted so it won't turn freely anymore. I haven't seen my temp gauge go into the danger zone although it hovers at 1-2 o'clock most of the time. Is this because I used a steel block off plate for the original choke well instead of an aluminum one? Anyone else have this happen and come up with a good solution?

Author:  valiant1966 [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:22 am ]
Post subject: 

What you blocked off the choke well with has no bearing on your temps going higher.

Possibly when you changed to a super six system, you didn't seal it up well or get everything back in place and have a vacuum leak causing it to run lean or just a maladjusted carb running lean which can cause it to run hotter.

I am assuming it wasn't running hot before the changeover.

Author:  daveca5150 [ Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

It was actually overheating before the super six went in, but that was a radiator flow issue. When the super six was installed, I had the radiator recored at the same time. No issues with overheating after that unless my temp gauge or sending unit is not reliable.

Since the choke kit sits on the choke well block off plate, I was thinking the heat transfer of the material may have something to do with the melted plastic. I did find out that I should have put gasket material on the threads of the bolts holding down the block off plate, maybe hot exhaust was escaping there and hitting the choke. Will try again with my new plastic disc with sealed threads.

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