Slant Six Forum

weber sidedraught linkage
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Author:  james longhurst [ Thu Aug 15, 2002 10:47 am ]
Post subject:  weber sidedraught linkage

does anybody out there in slant land have a pic of a weber 3x2 likage installed? i have a clifford intake and three 40 DCOE carbs. i have a few bits and pieces plus the crap that clifford sends with the intake and no idea how to make it all work. i've been to a few weber sites and have seen some stuff but am not sure what will work best.



Author:  Mike Andreas [ Mon Aug 19, 2002 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: weber sidedraught linkage *PIC*

Check out my site. I have the same setup sitting on my bench. I've finally gotten the rebuild kits and will probably get it up to speed this winter. I think I still have some pictures there if apple hasn't blown up my site yet. (They want to start charging for WEB space) I don't like the Clifford linkage either. I think I'm gonna make one myself. The Clifford parts are very crude. I want to fabricate a fuel rail also. Let me know about your progress and jetting etc. I don't know much about Weber's yet. Should be an interesting adventure



Author:  james longhurst [ Mon Aug 26, 2002 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: weber sidedraught linkage

: Check out my site. I have the same setup
: sitting on my bench. I've finally gotten the
: rebuild kits and will probably get it up to
: speed this winter. I think I still have some
: pictures there if apple hasn't blown up my
: site yet. (They want to start charging for
: WEB space) I don't like the Clifford linkage
: either. I think I'm gonna make one myself.
: The Clifford parts are very crude. I want to
: fabricate a fuel rail also. Let me know
: about your progress and jetting etc. I don't
: know much about Weber's yet. Should be an
: interesting adventure
: Mike


thanks for the pics!!!
i just have a couple of questions, though.
do the rear two carbs share a link? what confused me is that there are only two arms supplied in the clifford linkage. also, how long are the links?

thanks again!


Author:  Mike Andreas [ Mon Aug 26, 2002 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Linkage

Yea, I got my setup second hand but mine had the front two carbs sharing a rod. I don't know how it's supposed to be. I'm gonna try and work out a 3 rod setup and better bearings for the connecting rod.


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