Slant Six Forum

Engine ID frustration
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Author:  64DartVertible [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Engine ID frustration

Haven't been able to find my code. Looked from above and below. The engine is clean, so it shouldn't be covered with grease. Do I have to remove the coil to see it?
There are five freeze plugs, so I know it's not original to the car.
I spent quite a while looking for a picture of an engine showing the code, but the only one I found is this one and it's hard to tell exactly where it is.

Dan said in another post: "The numbers needed for engine ID are stamped on a pad facing the sky at the top of the block below the frontmost spark plug, inboard of the alternator lower support/coil bracket."

Below the second freeze plug it has 530-8
Below the third and fourth is a little plate that has 1188: held on with screws. What looks like AAWJ is embossed below that.
Anybody know what that means?

On the passenger side between the fuel pump and oil pan, I found what looks like info about what shift the employees were on when the block was cast.

Author:  Fopar [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

See this post it has a picture.

Author:  ceej [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

And another photo of where the stamped number is.


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