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I need help clearing things up |
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Author: | 1974duster kev [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:28 pm ] |
Post subject: | I need help clearing things up |
Let me start off with I am currently gathering parts and building a new blow through turbo motor. Im basically trying to do something like shaker223. The question is I emailed shaker223 about hooking vacuum lines back up on the blowthrough carb setup and he said he has all his vacuum lines hooked up normally as he would have had them hooked up on a normal motor. I had been planning on doing exactly as he informed but the guys over at barry grant carbs are saying i should have no vacuum lines and few other performance shops around here are agreeing with that. Yet Shakker223 has to be right he drives and races the car and has it hooked up with vacuum lines am i getting yanked around or what. I can't seem to get a straight answer I need. I have a vac advance dist. pcv and one other vac line on my current carb on my current motor. I just would like to double check that I can indeed hook these up to my blowthrough carb on the new turbo motor. (all vac fittings are plugged by the way when it arrived on my doorstep) Im lost help! Thanks Kev |
Author: | Joshie225 [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:19 pm ] |
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You should be able to connect the vacuum advance normally. I would use a check valve in the PCV hose so you don't blow air and fuel into the crankcase. The crankcase will be relatively close to atmospheric pressure by virtue of the breather. What else you got? Seems to me anything that needs vacuum and can't see pressure (like canister purge) could be handled with check valves. |
Author: | 1974duster kev [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:53 pm ] |
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What about once the carb/manifold are seeing pressure that wouldn't blow the lines off? This is a random one but i'm thinking about buying this univesal IC piping kit on ebay to get me close to do what i want but the kit comes with an assortment of 2.5inch and 3 inch pipe any problems with using 2 different sizes of piped to the IC or the carb? I'm thinking about getting a regrind on a stock cam for the turbo motor b/c i'm told overlap is not what on would want with a turbo setup. Does erson make a turbo grind? or would a stock regrind for more lift be the better cam choice? If im asking stupid quetions im sorry these are the things i cant seem to find researching or need opinions on Thanks Kev |
Author: | Sam Powell [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:04 pm ] |
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Hose clamps will keep your hoses from blowing off. Sam |
Author: | bigslant6fan [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:33 pm ] |
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I'm running 10 LBS of boost and still have stock connected dist advance and PCV.The crankcase breather connects between the air cleaner and turbo.A dead stock cam will be fine,or if you order a hotter one,ask for it to be ground on 112-114 lobe centers.You only have to worry about overlap if your going ape with 0.500+ lift. |
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