Slant Six Forum

Setting up hydraulic clutch; pics/writeup?
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Author:  Jopapa [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Setting up hydraulic clutch; pics/writeup?

I looked around a bit and didn't see anything aside from a few posts describing what a couple others have done, so hopefully I didn't miss something.

I'm hoping, once I've finished the couple small projects I've got going on, to start working on getting the A833OD and my slightly-built Slant into the Duster. I was going to go with mechanical linkage, but with plans to put a big block in in the future, figured it'd save me alot of hassle to go ahead and set up a hydraulic system for my clutch. I'm planning on using the Wilwood slave cylinder, but I'm curious what all else you guys used that've done a hydraulic slave. From what I've read, I need an early A-body or truck pivot, but what about the master cylinder? How did you guys go about connecting it to the clutch pedal? How'd you do up the plumbing and what parts did you use as far as hose and fittings? What clutch release fork did you use? And of course, anyone have any pics detailing what you did? I'm trying to get together a game plan so that once I have the rest of the parts I need, I can take a long weekend and do the conversion.

I'm thinking that, along with allowing more clearance in the engine bay, going with a hydraulic setup will be much easier initially as well. From what little I've seen anyway.

Author:  MikeH [ Wed Jun 16, 2010 6:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Seehere. This is a kit we put together for mopars.

Author:  Jopapa [ Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

I saw that one before, and it's a possibility. With living on an E-5 budget though, I'm trying to piece something together with readily available parts (though I'll be using a Wilwood slave, based on posts I've read here).

Author:  Volare4life [ Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

E-5 budget you say ??? Where you stationed ?? anyway back on topic, I'm only an E-3 and still pieceing my setup together, should be about $200-300 for the whole setup including tranny !!!

Pieces I have so far,

Complete hyd clutch bracket (pedal to clutch master) from a '91 Nissan 300zx --$30
Rebuild kit for slave ----$12
yoke for T5--$7

still trying to source a '94-95 5.0 T5 (nearly impossible)


Author:  Jopapa [ Sat Jun 19, 2010 1:11 am ]
Post subject: 

E-5 budget you say ??? Where you stationed ?? anyway back on topic, I'm only an E-3 and still pieceing my setup together, should be about $200-300 for the whole setup including tranny !!!

Pieces I have so far,

Complete hyd clutch bracket (pedal to clutch master) from a '91 Nissan 300zx --$30
Rebuild kit for slave ----$12
yoke for T5--$7

still trying to source a '94-95 5.0 T5 (nearly impossible)

Yes but when you figure in paying for a house (and all that goes with it), insurance and gas for two vehicles, and other necessities, that money goes by pretty quickly :?

What slave are you using? I was planning on going the Wilwood route and using a Mopar master if I can, then doing up a SS braided soft line from master to slave.

Author:  Volare4life [ Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:15 am ]
Post subject: 

not sure, was thinking about bypassing and going with a hyd throwout bearing, since I do have the multipattern bell, or if I can make a bracket up, and either weld or bolt it to the bell, and just use the stock clutch fork (modified to fit the ferd TOB of course) and pivot.


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