Slant Six Forum

bolt on horsepower
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Author:  wayne57 [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:03 pm ]
Post subject:  bolt on horsepower

besides headers i was told that electronic ign
was a good bolt on but would like to know whats the best type
and brand also a new intake manifold and maybe a holly 350 setup.
If so what would be the linkage setup and the kickdown setup or parts
that ive heard so much about .

thanks you for viewing


Author:  ceej [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Done any searching of this forum yet? :lol:

Go into the FAQ and look at the HEI mod. That's the stuff! :D

You can always post to your other thread so we can keep track of what your trying to accomplish, and what ground we've covered.

Your looking to make some better street HP, right? Look into a super six build. You can get some better performance without having to tear the engine apart.

Coupled with an HEI upgrade, you've got a much more effective machine! :wink:


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