Slant Six Forum

Twin disc clutch ponderings
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Author:  Jopapa [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Twin disc clutch ponderings

This is more just pondering out loud than anything else, since my searching found no assembly that'd work with our 833s, but I'm wondering if maybe we got enough people behind it for a group buy, we could talk Centerforce into producing a twin disc clutch assembly that'd work. I got the idea from reading a quickie on Car Craft's site here: ... index.html

Be great if they could be talked into producing a flywheel that'd cover early and late model slants as well.

Question is, would anyone be interested, and the most important question: has anyone driven a vehicle with a twin disc clutch and is the difference over a single disc worth the effort and extra money that'd go into it?

Author:  radarsonwheels [ Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  McLeod makes a twin clutch

for our cars. I'm not sure about the bolt pattern on the flywheel for a slant, but you can get one for a smallblock mopar, so that's the same basic guts in the bellhousing. Same trans anyway.

I don't see how you would need one for a slant six though. Even the basic centerforce dual friction, which is what I have in my 408 stroker smallblock should hold behind 99.9% of our slants. Mine is on a 23 spline trans too.

I thought the twin clutches cam into play around the 7-800hp mark, when you would be burning up a clutch like the dual friction in a couple passes with big traction and big power?

Author:  Jopapa [ Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:05 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm honestly not sure where a twin disc clutch comes into play. That's what I was curious about. It was basically asking (in a very long winded way) if a twin disc clutch is worthwhile behind just a mild slant.

Author:  Joshie225 [ Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:16 am ]
Post subject: 

The street twin clutches like McLeod offer are geared toward the power adder big block crowd. Two discs offer twice the holding power with the same pressure plate load. The one a friend owns uses 10.5" discs and with a steel flywheel is stupid heavy. It's also about $900. The little two and three disc racing clutches will hold a lot of power, but because they are designed for a very low moment of inertia they weigh very little and will not withstand being slipped. I call them digital clutches because they are either on or off and if you try to slip them they go up in smoke.

Author:  Jopapa [ Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

The street twin clutches like McLeod offer are geared toward the power adder big block crowd. Two discs offer twice the holding power with the same pressure plate load. The one a friend owns uses 10.5" discs and with a steel flywheel is stupid heavy. It's also about $900. The little two and three disc racing clutches will hold a lot of power, but because they are designed for a very low moment of inertia they weigh very little and will not withstand being slipped. I call them digital clutches because they are either on or off and if you try to slip them they go up in smoke.
I'd say that's a good argument against using a twin disc on a street driven DD. Did not know that, either.

Okay so I can chalk that idea off my list of "what-ifs" :P

Author:  Joshie225 [ Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

A 7.25" dual-disc clutch could probably be made to live for some time behind a slant if driven carefully, but I wouldn't try the 5.5" types. A friend burned up the clutch in his GTA (tube-frame race car) just driving it into the trailer. :( And did I mention the noise?

Author:  andyf [ Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have one of the dual disc McLeod setups for my 512 inch big block. That is a lot of clutch for a stroker big block and most likely complete overkill for a slant six. I wouldn't recommend a dual disc setup unless you just can't make a single disc clutch live. Usually takes about 650 ft-lbs of torque before you need to add the extra weight, expense and complexity of a dual disc setup.

Author:  VG-265 [ Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:24 am ]
Post subject: 

FWIW, There were some factory 245 and 265 Hemi 6 twin plate clutch setups used here in the '70s. (E31, E34 2 barrel and 4 barrel competition 245, and E38, E49 6 pack competition 265)
Maybe they would be suitable for a hot slant?

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