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225 (?) Air Filter question and pictures
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Author:  19Fury63 [ Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:14 am ]
Post subject:  225 (?) Air Filter question and pictures

I finally got the car (63 Fury) and am starting to get into the detail a bit more. I removed the air cleaner cover and realized the filter is filthy, only problem is it's a very odd size, much smaller than any other filter listed for the 225. It measures 8" in diameter (which is fine) but only 2-1/4" tall. Any other replacement I look for won't even allow the cleaner cover to go back on.

I'm starting to understand that a 63 Fury didn't have a 225 option from the factory? Everything is listed as V8's.

Do I need to get a whole new air cleaner assembly? This entire thing is kind of beat up so it may be a good idea, just looking for some input. Here are a few pics.


Author:  6shotvanner [ Sat Jun 19, 2010 8:16 am ]
Post subject: 

Are there no numbers embossed on the filter element to try a cross referance with? Have you tried filters for Valiant,Dart etc.around the same year? I'm not up on the older air cleaners but it sure looks like it belongs on there,someone will know I bet and chime in.Good luck.

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Sat Jun 19, 2010 8:51 am ]
Post subject: 

I would keep it. I have a few like that myself. I never had a problem getting the correct air filter, in fact I had a K&N that fits.

Author:  19Fury63 [ Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:51 am ]
Post subject: 

I had the guys at Advance Auto double check all 225 and 170 slants in their books for Valiant, Baracuda, etc... they were all listing a filter that was way too big. The filter doesn't have any model number or anything on it, all it has is a "092 Made in USA" stamp, which doesn't make any sense to me.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sat Jun 19, 2010 10:24 am ]
Post subject:  ???

If they actually have a manual, you can reverse look up the filter by the 8"x2 1/4" denomination....Is that 8" inside or 8" outside?

I have to do that for the 14"x2" element for my hyperpak car if I forget the odd stock number for the filter it requires.


Author:  Wesola78 [ Sat Jun 19, 2010 1:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

I agree with Ted, keep that air cleaner. It looks like one that I have for a late sixties Dart with a 1bbl carb.
Your ride looks awesome! 8)

Author:  19Fury63 [ Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks guys, I appreciate the feeback. I'll just have to dig a bit further into the air filter, so far K&N, Purolator, Fram do not show anything for this size.

The 8" is outside diameter by the way...I wonder if there is a way for me to trim the current cover to fit a taller filter?

Wesola, is your filter the same size as the one I described? If so, where do you find them?

Author:  65 dartman [ Sat Jun 19, 2010 5:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Your air cleaner looks just like the one from my 65 Dart that has the hose connected to the oil filler cap. It's also a 1 barrel. The lid also looks to be pretty much identical to the early A chrome Commando air Cleaner (4 barrel). Those air cleaners are still available; I'd try one of them.

Author:  guillermo [ Sat Jun 19, 2010 5:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

i had the same problem it would not fit but i just tightened it that way and the trim around the filter conforms to the shape. also if you sell your cover how much ???? i live in bakersfield ca. my cover does not have that hole in front of the filter it has it behind it ???????????????? 68 dart

Author:  brian72valiant [ Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

your valve cover looks so much sexier than mine !
nice car bro...
hope you find that filter

Author:  19Fury63 [ Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Again, thank you for the replies gents...I would tighten the air cleaner down all the way with a larger filter in there but the bolt won't even come up through the center, so I'd have to figure something out there.

Guillermo, if I sell it I will keep you in mind, I have no idea how much these things are worth so tell me what you think.

I am going to be taking it to my buddy's uncle for a compression test and a few other things so hopefully I will get this thing running a bit better than it is currently. The valve cover does seem to be pretty new, all in all I'm happy with the appearance.

Stiff accelerator pedal too...would WD40 be a good idea to make it a little easier to push? I feel like I have to put a lot of force on the pedal to get it to move....might just be the fact that I'm not used to driving an older car :D

I see Summit has an Offy single 4-barrel intake for about $300...thinking maybe I would go this route with an Edelbrock carb and some Hooker headers, any pros or cons to this setup? The Hooker headers shown on Summit are part number 5602HKR....I don't know if this is the right part for my car or not, I'd think they would fit (dual 3 into 1).

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:59 am ]
Post subject: 

I gave mine away to a guy that wanted to put on two single barrels on his slant or I would give you the part number. I had a Fram in it at the time a K&N in the other one. NAPA sold them to me......just handed them the old one and heck I think they offered me 6 different types, Purolator, Wix, etc....

These filters are very common in the north west and less than $10. Take your air cleaner with you next time and make sure it fits.....

Author:  19Fury63 [ Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:34 am ]
Post subject: 

That's actually part of the problem, I drove my car to Advance and took the filter in with me...must be they aren't that good at finding what will fit. I'll keep trying, but this filter definitely needs to be changed SOON.

Anyone have any input as to the fitment of the Hooker headers? They seem as though they'd fit but I don't want to make a mistake obviously.

Author:  6shotvanner [ Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Check out this thread for some 'member of the forum' built headers
Also check out the engine build in the stickies as it takes some engine ie head/cam upgrades to make use of a 4bbl manifold/carb(ask me how I know :oops: )

Author:  19Fury63 [ Mon Jun 21, 2010 4:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here are a few more pictures I took today after yet another failure at finding a filter. It looks like the previous owner jerry-rigged this thing somehow but I can't quite figure it out. There is RTV gooped on this and it looks like there is a leak for sure.

New guy questions as usual. Looks to be a Carter carb, but what is the part on top of the carb? Something with a tag indicating it was made in Canada. The breather tube is bolted to the actual air cleaner housing from the bottom.

I took a picture of the stamp on the engine block, anyone have a way to figure this out or decode it for me?

I'm stuck with these issues and really need some help...looks like the routing of the exhaust is somewhat strange too, right?


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