Slant Six Forum

Carter BBS Rebuild
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Author:  plymmer [ Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Carter BBS Rebuild


I recently rebuilt a Carter BBS one barrel carburetor, model 4198S. I did get it to start after pumping a lot of gas into it but it didn't idle at all and only ran when I kept the engine rpm's higher than idle. I suspect a problem in the low speed circuit, perhaps a clog in the low speed jet. Does anybody have any ideas?


Author:  wjajr [ Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:10 am ]
Post subject: 

I haven’t had a Carter apart for 35 years, but two reasons for it not to work after a rebuild are: there could be crud in idle circuit; could be a vacuum leak, internal or external, or both.

Did you clean all crud from the outside of the carburetor before disassembly, use solvent & compress air to blow out all passages, and was your work area spotlessly clean when reassembling it?

Also, if internal gaskets are used like Holley dose, where one has a choice of several gaskets in the rebuild kit, depending on which sub-model carburetor he has, you can use the wrong gasket which may block off internal passages, causing in some cases the idle circuit not to work.

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