Slant Six Forum

Odd spark issue
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Author:  Force Fed Mopar [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:02 am ]
Post subject:  Odd spark issue

The S6 that is in my '80 D100, skips like a dead miss if the spark plug wires are pushed all the way on like they are supposed to be, but smooths out if I pull them back from the plug just a bit. I guess it is making the spark jump and get hotter maybe? Anybody run into this before?

IIRC it has Autolite 64's in it. I have swapped distributors, cap, rotor, plug wires, coils, ignition modules, and wiring harnesses trying to find this skip. I have adjusted the valves to spec (and double and triple checked it), and done a compression check, which came up good (~150psi all cylinders).

It just so happened that one day I set all the plug wires slightly loose on the plugs so I could start it up and pull the off one by one and find what cylinders weren't firing properly, and voila, the miss was gone.

The engine looks to be a fresh rebuild, but I have no idea what it is or was originally. It has adj rockers, it is the newer head I think (spark plugs are not recessed in tubes), has a 2bbl intake. Block is well grounded to the body.

Anybody ever run into this before? Or have any insight?

Author:  KBB_of_TMC [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:47 am ]
Post subject: 

Various add-on gizmos over the years used an extra gap to help with marginal systems. I'd triple check the coil polarity first.

Author:  Force Fed Mopar [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Alright, I'll check that. IIRC it's off a turbo dodge, and I checked it w/ a coil checker and it was outputting 35-40k volts.

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