Slant Six Forum

'76 Manifold Heat Control Valve
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Author:  60 Plymouth [ Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  '76 Manifold Heat Control Valve

Hi guys,

I have a '60 block with a 76 manifold (well, it has 76 cast into it). The only parts for the valve I have are the disk (non-eccentric weighting), the shaft, and the actual flap plate. And the remains of the thermostatic spring.

My 1960 FSM shows how that year MHCV went together but this is different to the one I have on my car (which hasn't been invented yet :wink: ). There's plenty of threads on servicing the MHCV but not much in the way of pictures. I want to see exactly what parts I need to replace/fabricate.

Has anybody got any images/FSM scans for this year? There's a few NOS MHCV kits about but none for this year, and another member has somthing that may fit, but I'd like to see exactly how the thing is supposed to fit together to make a better decision on what I need to get.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

All the best,
60 Ply

Author:  KenUSA [ Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:13 am ]
Post subject: 




I hope these help

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