Slant Six Forum

expected power gains?
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Author:  Brussell [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:10 am ]
Post subject:  expected power gains?

Hi, I have a1967 VC and with a 225.

Heads been ported and polished, and I want to shave the head abit to get the comp to 9.5:1, want to get bigger valves etc, car has a 2bbl 350 holley with aussie speed long runner intake and headders. brand new elec ignition with the module etc. Was also thinking of getting a more radical cam.

What kind of power/ torque do you reckon I'd get? I am aiming for around 225hp. but what kinda of torque? With just the standard stall, and 3 spped 904tf and 3.89 diff gears do you reckon I could get 300+nm ?


also if you geniuses have any ideas of what I should or shouldn't do with this please tell me.

NB: Did think of getting high comp pistons but none are avail here in Australia. Car is a street performance car/ daily driver.

Author:  Doc [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: expected power gains?

... also if you have any ideas of what I should or shouldn't do with this, please tell me.

... Car is a street performance car/ daily driver.
Don't put too much cam in it.
Measure your current static and dynamic compression ratios.
Select a cam that will support your intended RPM range, then match the static compression to give yourself an 8 to 1 DCR.

Author:  SV162 [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:07 am ]
Post subject: 

You may find you need a bit more stall than standard in the convertor. But then may not. Sorry, that's not really helpful. :)

Author:  Dart270 [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 5:44 am ]
Post subject: 

All depends on your cylinder head. Cameron Tilley in Sydney (Manly, actually), could tell you where to get a good head made up, or he could maybe do it.

I would mill/deck for 9.5:1 then get an Erson 280/270 cam or similar, and a 2600-2800 stall converter. It will feel like a stock stall until you stand on it.


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