Slant Six Forum

Vacuum Amplifier - Replacement Hoses Available?
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Author:  MattyBrown [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Vacuum Amplifier - Replacement Hoses Available?

Hi everyone! I'm doing work on my 73 Valiant and one thing I'd really like to do is replace all of the vacuum hoses. They are in rough shape and I want to be confident that leaks won't develop on me. The problem is that the four main hoses join together into one piece where they connect to the vacuum amplifier. Is this hose setup a replaceable part? I've done a few google and eBay searches and nothing seems to pop up... not sure if I'm using the right terms though. Can anyone shed some light or offer suggestions? THANKS!


Author:  Wesola78 [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm not sure about the "4 into 1" deal, but finding new vacuum hoses souldn't be a problem, any decent auto parts store should have universal replacement hose.
With my car, I did away with the vacuum amplifier altogether, and ran a hose from the dizzy straight to the carb. Simpler, and more reliable in my opinion.

Author:  ceej [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 5:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

I grabbed a couple of vacuum amplifiers when I went up to Wildcat for the parts run. I'll have a look at them and see how the hoses look.


Author:  MattyBrown [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wesola78 - I've already bypassed the OSAC valve (my car's a 73 Cali car) and have the distributor connected right to the carb. I don't know how to go about completely altering my vacuum setup enough to eliminate the vac amplifier though. I especially don't have a very good understanding of the EGR valve and how to remove and/or bypass it. So my best bet right now seems to be to maintain the current vacuum setup and just make sure it's in top notch shape.

Ceej - Thanks, I appreciate you checking into that! I could probably rig some new hoses into the connector piece with silicone but if I could find the correct hose setup, in good condition, I'd much prefer it. Can't find any trace or reference to it anywhere online.

Author:  The Kenosha Kid [ Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:53 am ]
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So, you're referring to the little plastic fittings that connect the hoses to the vacuum amplifier, not the hoses themselves? I would love to find them, too. All of mine were lost during a disastrous "tune-up" performed by an incompetent mechanic. He charged me $200 for the pleasure.

Author:  oldblue [ Wed Jul 28, 2010 3:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Have you tried electrical shrink tubing?

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Wed Jul 28, 2010 4:31 pm ]
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On my 74 Swinger I pulled the OSAC the EGR and radiator temp switch. They make a block off plate for the EGR. In fact I bought another one about two months ago. So mine is very close to a 60's motor (very simple) but still retains the gas vapor canister and the PCV and hot air option in the intake snorkel. It is a very basic and stable setup and user friendly with the minimum amount of plumbing. Click on the red link below my name for pictures of the engine and vacuum lines. Double click on the picture when it comes up for full screen slide show mode. Hope that helps! :)

Author:  ceej [ Wed Jul 28, 2010 6:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

OK! :D

For those wishing to run lot's of advance for fuel economy out on the road...

I have two vacuum amplifiers. One has the three hose setup, the other has the four hose setup. They are a bit grimy, but look to be in serviceable shape.

For those that plan to go racing, either at the track, or stop light to stop light, just back the timing off, and block off the EGR. :lol:

If that's not the plan, we can figure something out! :wink:


Author:  Wesola78 [ Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

very close to a 60's motor (very simple)

It is a very basic and stable setup and user friendly with the minimum amount of plumbing. :)
That's what I'm talking about! :twisted:

But, to each his own. :)

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Agreed! If you want lots of advance for fuel economy install a VC-208 vacuum advance. It adds another 22 degrees on top of your initial and mechanical.

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