Slant Six Forum

Need timing help
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Author:  rd [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Need timing help

I belive the timing is set backwards on my dodge 225 engine. Since I'm not the original owner I believe the body is a 1972 B100 Van but the engine is a 1975-80 replacement . It has been running but tends to stall out. Is it my imagination or is the timing not quite right? It is set from the back of the motor to the front, 1-6. Should'nt it be front to back, 1-6. If so, can I just crank the motor to the front plug, turn the distributor to sit correctly, then connect the spark plug wires accordingly? Or will I have to open the timing cover and reset the TDC to the front of motor plug first. In other words, is the timing chain off because it was set to TDC at the back of the motor? Technically it is set to the #6 plug instead of the #1 plug?

Author:  Reed [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

The cylinders are numbered with #1 by the radiator and #6 by the transmission. With the motor off, pull the valve cover and rotate the engine by hand. Watch the rocker arms on the #1 cylinder. Watch for the intake valve to open and then close. After the intake valve has closed, keep turning the crank. Watch the timing marks- the first time the timing mark hits TDC after the intake valve on cylinder #1 closes is TDC on the compression stroke, the point at which you want the spark plug to fire.

Go around to the distributor. Follow the spark plug wires from the #1 spark plug to the distributor cap. Note the location of the #1 wire. Pop the distributor cap off and see if the rotor is pointed to the area under the #1 wire. If it isn't, you will need to pull the distributor and move the rotor until the rotor is pointed in the right area. Remember that the rotor moves about 30 degrees as the gear meshes with the cam gear.

Once you have the rotor pointing under thew #1 plug wire, reattach the distributor cap and verify that the plug wires are in the correct order. The slant six firing order is 1-5-3-6-2-4. The plug wires should attach to the cap in that order going clockwise from the #1 plug wire.

Now, start the motor and set your base timing to the correct timing under the hood on the emissions label.

Stalling could be any one of a number of things. I would start with a good tune-up and valve lashing. Check for vacuum leaks and improperly adjusted carburetor.

Author:  tophat [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

You should be able to search on here to find a link to my fabo post on how to make a piston stop, this will tell you how to find TDC on #1. Then set the dist to #1 and wire the cap accordingly. This will get you in the ballpark and you can fine tune with a light from there. You should not have to go into the timing chain, unless it is worn.

I don't understand all the bs floating around about timing off #6. Seems like a band-aid on a bullet wound to me.

Search is your friend.


Author:  Joshie225 [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Because a 4-stroke-cycle engine requires two (2) revolutions of the crankshaft to complete the entire cycle the timing mark on the damper will line up at TDC both on the compression stroke and the exhaust stroke. Because #6 piston rises and falls with #1 the same is true for #6. The way timing sets are marked the marks line up for TDC compression for #6. No big deal. Rotate the crankshaft 360° and you're on TDC compression for #1. If you want to leave the camshaft in position for TDC compression #6 just point the distributor rotor to #6.

Author:  rd [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks so much, I just hate to open things if I don't need to do it. Appreciated advice.

Author:  rd [ Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Just FYI. Flipped the dist. cap, re-connected the wires accordingly, now everything is correct. Just got turned around by accident when I moved it earlier. Great.

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