Slant Six Forum

glass and quarter panels
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Author:  luigisir [ Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  glass and quarter panels

i have a 1970 two door hardtop dart, i am curious which year ranges, if any, have matching quarter panels, and which year ranges have matching rear side windows and that chrome piece that seals to the front side window.

Author:  wjajr [ Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:17 am ]
Post subject: 

Check in “Year One’sâ€￾ Catalog [url=] here[/url] for a nice diagram & lists of what fits what & which year.

1967 – 1976 Dart Quarter panels are the same excepting different holes for side marker lights.

67 no side marker light
68 high mounted small round side marker light
69 low mounted small rectangular side marker light
70-71 larger rectangular side marker light
72-76 high mount rectangular side marker light

I believe that 1967 – 1976 quarter glass is all the same for a hardtop, or non post car.

I don’t recall seeing that chrome strip on rear edge of front windows anywhere. Which could mean there are none to be had, or just another brain fart / bad sector problem with my head. Perhaps someone else can help with this part.

Author:  luigisir [ Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:31 am ]
Post subject: 

well, there is one on the left side of my car, just not on the right, unless we are talking about different pieces. on the leading edge of the rear side window. part of it looks like it keeps the window in the track as it goes up and down, which would explain why that side doesn't roll up/down easily. and there is a piece of rubber on it that "seals" to the door window.

edit: oops, you are correct no chrome strip on the back of the front side window, i read it wrong. :lol:

edit: that link was quite helpful as well, that's a lot of doubloons :shock:

Author:  wjajr [ Thu Aug 19, 2010 5:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

edit: that link was quite helpful as well, that's a lot of doubloons

I often use Year One for pictorial reference, yes most of their stuff is a bit pricy, however once you purchase a few things from them, one will receive discount coupon mailings every quarter or so.

Once I identify a part, I than shop the internet for the same item for a lower price. Sometimes you can beat Year One’s price, and sometimes they have better pricing once shipping & availability are taken into account.

Sometimes there is a difference in quality as some stuff is imported, and some are real Mopar parts. You have to ask about these reproduction parts, and decide what is best for your project.

The quarter panel you are looking for is carried by several body metal venders.

As for the window; can you take a photo of the area in question?

Author:  Charrlie_S [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:12 am ]
Post subject: 

Year One might be a little pricy, but their customer service and return policy are second to none. I had a part I bought from them about 10 years ago. I called them to ask a question. During conversation, I was told, their return policy is, if it is new/unused resalable condition, it can be returned with no restocking charge, no matter when it was purchased (no time limit). Of course, I have to pay shipping.
Something to keep in mind when shopping.

Author:  66aCUDA [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:40 am ]
Post subject: 

They always have a 10%-20% off codes so when you get ready to order ask around as someone will have a valid code. :D

Author:  Sam Powell [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:15 am ]
Post subject: 

More than likely the one window rolls down hard because the nylon roller has fallen apart. You will not find these intact in the junk yard. I have looked and looked, and all the ones in yards have fallen apart too. I resorted to replacing this piece with a solid turning which I made on a lathe from Teflon rod purchased at a local plastic supplier. It was all pretty easy to do. The process did produce an annoying pile of plastic shavings that stuck to me and everything else. The solid piece works fine. The Teflon is slippery enough that it does not need to turn to work. I duplicated the dimensions of the roller on the teflon, drilled a hole in it and bolted it into place.

You may have to resort to a junk yard to find the chrome piece you are looking for. If I recall it holds the rear rubber gasket that seals to the front window. I assume you talking hard top model here.


Author:  wjajr [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:35 am ]
Post subject: 

Sam & others,
These “[url=]Quarter Window Roller Kits[/url]â€￾ for A, & B bodies look to be a new item at Year One, as I don’t recall seeing them before.


Author:  emsvitil [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

....I resorted to replacing this piece with a solid turning which I made on a lathe from Teflon rod purchased at a local plastic supplier. It was all pretty easy to do. The process did produce an annoying pile of plastic shavings that stuck to me and everything else. The solid piece works fine. The Teflon is slippery enough that it does not need to turn to work. I duplicated the dimensions of the roller on the teflon, drilled a hole in it and bolted it into place.

If it doesn't turn, why do you need to turn it to make it?

Wouldn't a chunk of teflon work then?

Author:  luigisir [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

yes, hardtop. good point on that roller piece, i haven't had the panel off, i just presumed it was the chrome piece missing, as the bottom looks like it runs in the window guide (driver's side works great and is complete) i was at a junkyard the other day that had a 75 hardtop dart. didn't think to check the roll down/up, but it had the chrome piece on the unbroken glass. i'll have to see what they want for it, at a certain price it becomes "worth a shot". thanks very much for all the help and info.

Author:  Sam Powell [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

....I resorted to replacing this piece with a solid turning which I made on a lathe from Teflon rod purchased at a local plastic supplier. It was all pretty easy to do. The process did produce an annoying pile of plastic shavings that stuck to me and everything else. The solid piece works fine. The Teflon is slippery enough that it does not need to turn to work. I duplicated the dimensions of the roller on the teflon, drilled a hole in it and bolted it into place.

If it doesn't turn, why do you need to turn it to make it?

Wouldn't a chunk of teflon work then?
The window itself tilts as it goes down, and its attitude to the track rotates. . Thus the need for a roller looking shape. But the piece itself really does not need to roll on a bearing. This is all a moot point in light of Year One's new kit. Thanks Bill.


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