Slant Six Forum

emissions plumbing that can go?
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Author:  pmeysemb [ Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  emissions plumbing that can go?

Greetings all,
First time slant 6 owner here - I am dropping pretty much the whole drivetrain (including subframe and excluding rearend) from a '80 Volare into my '50 F-1. I am currently working on cleaning up and routing wiring and the emissions plumbing from the '80 slant 6 to clean up the engine compartment a bit. This truck will be a driver but I may show up at a show and tilt the front end and I'd like it to look somewhat organized under there, even though I'm sure doing so will upset Ford purists!

After searching the forums through volumes of threads. my question to the gurus: exactly which vacuum hoses can go and which need to stay? I've never seen a pump like the one mounted near the rear of the valve cover. Is this a smog pump and is removing it acceptable? We don't have smog inspections here in Minnesota by the way. I am assuming I can also get rid of the charcoal canister?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Author:  Reed [ Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:28 am ]
Post subject: 

A pump at the rear of the valve cover? I think we will need to se a picture of that. You might have the Canadian emissions package "air aspirator" system that used exhaust pulses to draw air from the air cleaner into the passage at the rear of the head. This aspirator system served the same function as a smog pump but without the use of the pump.

In any event, you can remove everything except the PCV valve, the crankcase breather, and the vacuum line going to the distributor.

Author:  pmeysemb [ Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Cool. Thanks Reed.

I don't have my camera with me today but I brought the whole works (with all the attached vacuum lines) into work today to ask another guy. This thing looks like what you described kind of - It's about 3 inches by 1.5 inches and has 3 vacuum lines going into the back. There is also a 2wire sensor attached to the same mounting bracked that also has 3 vacuum lines into it. The part number barcode on the pump is 40417 27.

I bought an assortment of vacuum block offs so I can start removing these lines.

I suppose a general purpose slant 6 repair manual (with diagrams) is in my future. :oops:

Thanks again.

Author:  Reed [ Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ah. Sounds like you have found the EGR vacuum amplifier, not a pump. The whole thing and all the vacuum lines and switches attached to it can go.

Author:  66aCUDA [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 7:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Cool. Thanks Reed.

I suppose a general purpose slant 6 repair manual (with diagrams) is in my future. :oops:

Thanks again.
Make sure it is a Factory Service Manual not a Haynes.

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