Slant Six Forum

1964 Valiant signet power steering problems
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Author:  rbrett43 [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 8:56 pm ]
Post subject:  1964 Valiant signet power steering problems

New to the board.Installed a new power steering pump in the valiant it is oversensitive. Is there anything i can do to adjust it? Is there a part that i have missed or that may be required? The Valiant is the signet 170 6 cyl. It is actually a 1965 Canadian model(which is a 1964 american).

Author:  Doc [ Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:41 am ]
Post subject: 

The PS pumps have different pressure rating, based on application. The SL6 version has the least pressure.
(Many V - 8 owners use a SL6 pump, to reduce the pressure / sensitivity)

The pressure is set by a pressure releif valve, inside the pump.
For most, it is better to exchange the pump for a different (low pressure) unit, instead of trying to take it apart and adjust.

Author:  rbrett43 [ Thu Sep 23, 2010 3:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am asking for my father in law. thanks for the reply. It apparently has the V8 power steering pump. What SL6 model of power steering pump can go in this model? And up to what year, like i said the 65 canadian signet would be the same model as the 64 american valiant signet. Or is there anywhere in North america i can order the NOS part for this? Anything you could provide me with would be great. I would love to get this for my father in-laws biirthday.

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