Slant Six Forum

good idea or bad idea?
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Author:  lordduster888 [ Tue Oct 12, 2010 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  good idea or bad idea?

ok 3 weeks ago i notice a couple holes in the freeze plugs so i removed then and found lots n lots of sand,rust,n some money,i donno if so much crap inside can afect cooling maybe,theres very litle space between cylinders from so much rust my car has been sitting for a year,but i wanna be done before xmas yes thats the best present a slanted owner can have, so my idea is to plug the bottom rad hose,i dont know if u know this product lime a way toilet bowl cleaner it eats rust i tested on some rusty parts n i was happy,it eats rust like reed eats chicken, 8) ,i even removed the plug by the oil pump is plug no water cames out,i stuck a small philips n only got sand n rust no liquid :shock:

back to the idea,plug the lower rad hose,put the plug back,mix lime a way with water,dump it in the rad elbow leave it a few hours n maybe repeat,will the headgasket,water pump, be safe?wa was planing to replace the water pump anyways,any advise will be help full plus if it works it ll be better for the cooling system rad,w /pump,engine,us,please reply with ur thoughts,
O one more thing i didnt find any money so dont go running to pull the freeze plugs out of ur engine :(

Author:  lordduster888 [ Tue Oct 12, 2010 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: good idea or bad idea?

ok 3 weeks ago i notice a couple holes in the freeze plugs so i removed then and found lots n lots of sand,rust,n some money,i donno if so much crap inside can afect cooling maybe,theres very litle space between cylinders from so much rust my car has been sitting for a year,but i wanna be done before xmas yes thats the best present a slanted owner can have, so my idea is to plug the bottom rad hose,i dont know if u know this product lime a way toilet bowl cleaner it eats rust i tested on some rusty parts n i was happy,it eats rust like reed eats chicken, 8) ,i even removed the plug by the oil pump is plug no water cames out,i stuck a small philips n only got sand n rust no liquid :shock:

back to the idea,plug the lower rad hose,put the plug back,mix lime a way with water,dump it in the rad elbow leave it a few hours n maybe repeat,will the headgasket,water pump, be safe?wa was planing to replace the water pump anyways,any advise will be help full plus if it works it ll be better for the cooling system rad,w /pump,engine,us,please reply with ur thoughts,
O one more thing i didnt find any money so dont go running to pull the freeze plugs out of ur engine :(

Author:  4speed [ Tue Oct 12, 2010 8:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

I know that you can remove rust from a gas tank if you use a few volts DC and a anode for the rust to collect on. Have used it on motorcycle gas tanks many times-even a low powered battery charger works

Author:  Joshie225 [ Tue Oct 12, 2010 8:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

The Home Depot carries Zep Metal Prep Dip Rust Remover. It's a chelating agent which will not harm the base metal. Lime Away is almost entirely phosphoric acid which is pretty benign so long as you neutralize it by flushing with water and baking soda after draining the Lime Away. Got a pH test kit? If you have as much sediment in your cooling system as you indicate you'll probably want to pull all the core plugs and use a pressure washer to clean the water jacket.

I poured a gallon of the Zep Metal Prep into my '67 Valiant's cooling system and drove around. I left the solution in the cooling system for about a week. The rust turns from orange to black. I pulled a core plug after using the Zep and found the water jacket to be very clean. Maybe I should have pulled the core plug to see before and after, but I didn't.

Author:  lordduster888 [ Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:54 am ]
Post subject: 

will the head gasket be safe?can i put some in the rad?thx for the replys
o n yes i was planing on using the presure washer 2500psi, thx joshua s

Author:  Joshie225 [ Wed Oct 13, 2010 12:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

An old steel shim head gasket might not like the Lime Away. I'm specifically concerned about the gasket rotting through where it covers the water jacket hole at the front of the block. If that hole is open coolant will short circuit the block and head. Composite gaskets like the FelPro should be fine. If the head has been off in the last 20-30 years it's likely to have a composite gasket.

Preston Super Radiator Cleaner is citric acid (sodium citrate) in water and the pH is only 8.3-9.9. ... leaner.pdf

The MSDS for Lime-Away doesn't give the pH and is going to be harder on iron than the Zep Metal Prep Rust Dip. I found an older MSDS for Lime-Away and it lists 27% phosphoric acid. ... %20Way.pdf

Author:  emsvitil [ Wed Oct 13, 2010 4:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Preston Super Radiator Cleaner is citric acid (sodium citrate) in water and the pH is only 8.3-9.9. ... leaner.pdf

How does an acid have a pH greater than 7.0 ?

Author:  Joshie225 [ Wed Oct 13, 2010 4:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Preston Super Radiator Cleaner is citric acid (sodium citrate) in water and the pH is only 8.3-9.9. ... leaner.pdf

How does an acid have a pH greater than 7.0 ?
LOL! I wonder if that's a typo or what. Can hardly believe I missed that especially as I typed it out.

Author:  Reed [ Wed Oct 13, 2010 4:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

All your base are belong to us! :wink:

Author:  lordduster888 [ Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

thx again for ur replies,ok so i wont be using the lime a way,i dont want to risk the head gasket,so zep metal prep will do,i remove the intake/exhaust,carb at the same time i removed the freeze plugs 3wks,i do have a felpro head gasket at hand but im limited on what i can do,i do have a garage,yard,tools to work,but litle knowledge,also low on cash, dont get me wrong i can do almost anything that i want to acomplish n keeping my slant is one of them,but with help from u guys ill try to do anything to my slant to go a long way,im not afraid to take on big projects, anybody near ontario,ca,so cal

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