Slant Six Forum

Carter BBD to Intake Questions
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Author:  J. Goodman [ Thu Oct 21, 2010 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Carter BBD to Intake Questions

When I removed the Carter BBD on my new-to-me Super Six setup, I saw the familiar thick gasket mating the carb to the intake manifold. I additionally found the intake manifold had two studs and two bolts holding the carb in place. The rebuild kit (Hygrade 1586) included a gasket for the carb to mount to the intake that was about 1/2 the thickness of the old gasket, had two openings in it instead of one large oval one, and the mounting holes were not encircled with metal. I haven't seen this before and wonder if using the new gasket will make any difference? Using the old gasket again is out of the question. If the older type would be better, would anyone have a source, etc? Next, do you see any problem with adding two more studs to the intake manifold and nix the bolts currently being used? Maybe I am overlooking the purpose of why two bolts/two studs were used in this case. Thank you, as usual, for your insight and help.

Author:  lowbudget [ Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

I got my thick gasket from Napa it is a Felpro gasket. I think I read somewhere the thicker gasket helps with the heat soak problem. I wondered about the 2 bolts also as my other Super Six set up has all studs. So i doubt it would hurt.

Author:  olafla [ Thu Oct 21, 2010 5:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi J.Goodman, I have also wondered about the reason for the bolt/stud combination, I have always thought it has to do with space.

Regarding the gasket, as long as it doesn't block the vacuum channels, it shouldn't matter much, I doubt that a theoretical difference in turbulence and such matters, will be very noticeable in a stock SL6. There are different gaskets for a 225 and a 318 BBD. Take a look at the explanation for the small cutouts in some gaskets, on page 26 in the 'Carter BBD operation and repair manual.pdf' that you'll find in the FAQ link Carburetor operation & repair information.


Author:  lowbudget [ Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

On the 318 slant six gasket differences I had Napa parts guy run a check on the original application of carb (79 W 250 318) and the application I was using it on (77 Aspen slant six) and the #'s were the same. But these are both solid fuel carbs. :D It made changing over the choke pull off easy.

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