Slant Six Forum |
probably not the right spot... |
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Author: | Ryszard74 [ Thu Oct 21, 2010 11:44 am ] |
Post subject: | probably not the right spot... |
BUT, i have a question about priceing for kickdown linkages for an automatic super six, and air cleaner now the classic auto JY around here (desert valley auto parts) just sent me an email saying they would sell me the linkages for 55 and the air cleaner for 45... is this a good price? *btw they are in dollars... not pennies* |
Author: | Reed [ Thu Oct 21, 2010 12:10 pm ] |
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The kickdown is about right, but the air cleaner is way too expensive. Go grab any 318 two barrel air cleaner and buy the 11 dollar reproduction "Super Six" air cleaner sticker sold on eBay. However, for the same amount of money you could get a Lokar-style kickdown cable which offers you much greater flexibility in your choice of carburetors. |
Author: | Ryszard74 [ Thu Oct 21, 2010 12:24 pm ] |
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well they offered me a "packaged deal" where they will knock a few bucks off... and i wont have to worry abouy shipping because well... ill be the UPS man on this one... *btw our UPS man hates our house... first it was a 1 barrel intake manifold *wich i got for free... due to a screw up on their end they ended up saying "KEEP IT!... we have had it since the 80s!!"... then it was 2 50lb computers...* but go on about these lokar kickdown cables for i am intrigued... |
Author: | Reed [ Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:53 pm ] |
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eBay auction article about Lokar kickdowns Basically, a Lokar or cable-style kickdown (Lokar is only one of several manufacturers) replaces the rod style linkage with a cable style linkage. The cable style is completely flexible and lends itself to custom installations since you can bend it all over the place. Given the choice, if the prices were the same, I would choose the cable style linkage. I have used one on my Ford vans for years with great results. I was even able to use it when I swapped from carburetion to fuel injection. |
Author: | olafla [ Thu Oct 21, 2010 5:26 pm ] |
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You can see photos of the other big one of in this thread: Bouchillon Kick Down Cable. Olaf. |
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