Slant Six Forum

Heatriser question
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Author:  oldodge [ Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:17 am ]
Post subject:  Heatriser question

I have a '69 Dart with a 225 slant. I upgraded to a super six intake and matching exhaust manifold from a Scamp. Not sure of the year, i bought the whole engine and the guy told me it was from a Scamp. My question is this:
My heatriser moves freely but is not spring loaded. Is that normal? It has a round weight with a clock spring on it that looks good. I think the problem is the spring doesn't have a pin or stop to work against and I don't know what it should have. The car runs good when warm but hesitates and stalls when cold. I have an electric choke kit that seems to work well but I can't seem to get the cold engine hesitation out so I read on here about the benefits of the heatriser and decided to check mine. Thanks for any help........Tim

Author:  60 Plymouth [ Sat Nov 06, 2010 10:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Hi Tim,

The heat riser valve should move with hand pressure and return on its own.

In addition to the bimetallic clock spring, there should be a 'stop'. This is mounted in the same slot on the disk hub as the spring, and looks like a small shim bent into a 'moustache' sort of shape, the middle of it sat in the slot on the hub.

These both act on a pin about 3/32 diameter that sticks out from the heat riser box.

I just replaced this part on my manifold, the spring was gone - managed to find an OEM kit for it. These are rare though, and it's not much more expensive to buy a new manifold however - there is a recommended seller on ebay who has made in the US manifolds for about $115. I just didn't want to pay to ship a whole manifold to the UK.

If it's just the pin though shouldn't be hard to make a replacement.

Author:  oldodge [ Sat Nov 06, 2010 11:14 am ]
Post subject: 

Thank you! I did find a pin toward the engine side and a tab on the spring that appears to hit it when I rotate the weight counter clockwise but nothing holds it there. Maybe the tab that hits the pin should be behind the pin? I did notice the other end of the shaft sticks out of the box and has a groove in it. Above it is a pin. Should these be connected by a spring or something? Thanks again................tim

Author:  60 Plymouth [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:10 am ]
Post subject: 

There should be a pin that 'points' towards the front of the car.

I'll be able to give a little more info once I have a look at the car tonight. If I can find them, I'll post the instructions that came with the valve kit.

Author:  oldodge [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 9:34 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks that would be great!

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