Slant Six Forum

Weather Strip for Convertible Roof rails & others
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Author:  steve93101 [ Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Weather Strip for Convertible Roof rails & others

1964 Dart convertible. I need to replace the "roof rail" weather strip.
$100.00 + or over $14.00 a foot seems very expensive for this set

If you get the "header" the cost jumps to $180.00 !

I was wondering, will any of these ... id=c3824j1 do the same job, are any a match ? JC Whitney sells a 15 foot roll for $30.00 or so, $2.00 a foot seems a lot more reasonable ! For that matter I wonder of any of the other JC Whitney parts are a match for the door weather strip etc.

Author:  wjajr [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:30 am ]
Post subject: 


I don’t think the JC Whitney part will be satisfactory. Spend the money for OEM stile Weather Stripping, or suffer a wet car, and a lot of wind noise, and drafts.

I have been driving rag tops since 1975, and there is nothing more irritating than a leaky car, be it water or air... Once that carpet is wet, rust, rot, and mildew take over your life, so seal it up right the first time.

The prices you have listed are not out of line, convertible trim stuff is more expensive because there just aren’t as many of them as other models. Unlike a two door hardtop, the convertible gasket has multiple sections that are larger in cross section to do the job than what the hard top requires.


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