Slant Six Forum

Mason Dixon III, New Tee shirts & Hats, See Page 3
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Author:  Rick Covalt [ Mon Jan 17, 2011 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Mason Dixon III, New Tee shirts & Hats, See Page 3

Ok, With things starting to move forward for the 2011 season, I finally have the details on the window stickers & license plates. These items use the same basic design as last years Tee shirt design. Again I will be putting the profit from the sales into the Mason Dixon Race at Hagerstown, MD.

The cost of the stickers is $5 each, minimum or of 2.

I have to have an order of at least 100 of these to get them made.

The license plates are $22 each, and I need to have at least 25 to get those done. I may be able to get fewer made but the price will likely go up a bit.

I will take orders for the next 2 weeks and then place the order. Please drop me a PM if you are interested in an of these items.

Rick Covalt

The License will have a narrow black line border along the edge and the "friends don't let friends drive V-8's will be slightly larger.


Author:  Rick Covalt [ Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Forgot

Forgot to mention that these are Aluminum license plates, and the window stickers are high quality laminated vinyl so they should last a good while.


Author:  Rick Covalt [ Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:58 am ]
Post subject:  Address

When you send your PM with what you would like, please send your mailing address along. I will need it later anyway.

Thanks to all,


Author:  Rug_Trucker [ Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Must have stickers for tool boxes!

I need a plate or 2. Have to wait until the Volvo gets back to TN in a week or two.

Author:  Rick Covalt [ Tue Jan 25, 2011 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Little response

There has been only 4 people say that they have interest in either of these. I will need a lot more in the next week to proceed with this. I thought the 100 Stickers would be easy, but maybe not. We will see. :)


Author:  Rug_Trucker [ Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Where are you advertising? Might try the Moparts engine section where they sell for the slants.

Author:  Rick Covalt [ Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Just here

I have only placed them on here, just like I did the Tee shirts last year. I really don't go over to Moparts.


Author:  Rug_Trucker [ Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Can go to moparchat, fabom, etc.

Author:  Rick Covalt [ Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Here and E-BAy


I just spent 20 minutes getting registered on Mopar chat, and thought I would post a picture and a link to the items I am selling for the Mason Dixon Race, only to find I that have to have a 25 post minimum for some things and 10 for others. So I won't be posting over there. I really don't have time to keep track of 3 or 4 message boards anyhow. So for now I will just post on here ( You all feel like family here) and if one of you frequents other places that may be interested please feel free to direct them here. I appreciate it.

In the future Ryan & I may just front the money for the stuff we think we can sell and post it on E-Bay. I think that would be the biggest exposure anyway.

Thanks, Rick Covalt

Author:  Rick Covalt [ Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Last call

Last call on these items. I'll check and see if I can get a smaller run on these and let everyone know who was interested.


Author:  66aCUDA [ Thu Feb 03, 2011 2:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

I can do 2 plates and 8 Stickers.

Author:  Rick Covalt [ Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Thanks Frank

Thanks Frank and everyone. I'll check with the sign guy and make sure I can do a smaller run, and let everyone know here in a couple days.


Total count as of this evening. 40 Stickers & 15 Plates. I think that will work out. I will order some extras of each. More to come.

Author:  Rug_Trucker [ Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

3 stickers and 2 plates

Author:  Rick Covalt [ Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  orders

I spoke to the sign shop and everything is a go for the original Prices. I will put up a tally of what everyone wants on here later today and will get them ordered. He said it would be about 1 week until they are done.

I will get a few extras of each.


Author:  Rick Covalt [ Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  As I have it

Here is what I have for orders. Let me know if something is not correct. If you want to send a check that is fine. Paypal is great for me also and I'd actually prefer that. I'm sure you can all do your own math.

------------------ Stickers $5 each-------------Plates $22

Frank Brent --------------8-----------------------2
Rug Trucker --------------3----------------------2 Need Address
Bruce Paine---------------2----------------------1
Rick Mariano--------------2-----------------------1
Charles Brooks ----------5-----------------------1 Need Address
Romio Furio --------------4-----------------------2
Will Burns ----------------2-----------------------1 Need address
Mike Slaughter -----------4-----------------------1
Lou Madsen ---------------2---------------------
Brian Drochak-------------2----------------------1 Need Address
Ryan Covalt --------------6----------------------2
Rick Covalt----------------4 ---------------------2

Rick Covalt

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