Slant Six Forum

head work
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Author:  backwoodsbill [ Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  head work

Just wondering about some head work? I did a compresion checck on my 71 motor it read 125 psi across the whole 6 cylinders + - 2 psi. makeing it about an 8.6 to 1 ratio just wondering how much to shave off the stock head to get it up to about 9.25to 9.5 to 1 also thought about a mild cam and bigger valves. I'm also going to be runnning the offy 2-1 carbs intake cliifford headers also probally a port and polish job and running 3.55 gears will this be a pretty good setup. :? :? Thanks in advance

Author:  wjajr [ Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

In order to hit a target compression ratio, you will have to do some measuring of head chamber volume, distance down in bore of piston at TDC, diameter of piston, thickness of head gasket, etc., and run these numbers on an engine calculator. This project requires removing the head.

Once you know the actual dimensions, than one can calculate what has to be done to achieve the target compression ratio. Than you can select a cam shaft, torque converter stall speed, exhaust system size, and carburetor. Work smart with pencil & paper first, and save your self a lot of money in the long haul by building what you want correctly the first time.


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