Slant Six Forum

Timing question
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Author:  krosan [ Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Timing question

Hello Everyone,

I installed electronic ignition in the old 65 Dart. I checked the timing and it is really advanced. I loosened the distributer and rotated clockwise as far as it woud go. The light still showes the timing at leat 20 degrees advanced. My question is, do I pull the distributer and advance it by a tooth or do I try and rotate the wires on the distributer a hole clockwise? When I checked thr rotor at TDC it was pointing at #1 clyinder. The engine runs great at higher RPM's, but has a rough idle with no adjustment from the mixture screw. I need help on this one guys.

Author:  Reed [ Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

(1) there is a second bolt hiding on the bottom of the distributor that you can loosen to move the distributor more


(2) your vibration dampener outer ring may have slipped if it is the original 1965 dampener. This would make the timing mark on the ring no longer correct. You can check this using a piston positive stop tool.

Checking the timing mark is VERY easy. The only special tool you need is a TDC stop tool, such as the one sold HERE

To check your timing mark, remove the #1 spark plug and thread the tool into the hole. By hand, rotate the motor counterclockwise until the motor won't turn anymore (the piston has come into contact with the bottom of the TDC tool). Using whiteout, mark the vibration dampener next to the 0 degree or TDC line on the timing tab. Now rotate the motorclockwise until the mtor stops turning. Mark the vibration dampener again at the TDC mark on the timing tab.

Ideally, the two marks on the vibration dampener should be equidistant from the timing mark cast into the dampener. If the two marks are not equidistant, you need to measure the distance between the two, divide it by two, and make a new mark equally distanced from each whiteout mark which will be your new timing mark.

Alternatively, you can use the timing tab as a ruler and measure how far each whiteout mark is from the cast timing mark and then figure where the timing should be.

(3) have you verified that the distributor rotor is not 180 degrees off? The motor will run with the rotor 180 degrees off, but not very well.

To check this, put the timing mark at TDC, pop the cap off the rotor and make sure the rotor is pointed at the #1 plug tower. Now, pull your valve cover and feel the rocker arms on the #1 cylinder. If the #1 piston is at TDC on the compression stroke (which is where you want it to be when the plug fires) the rocker arms on cylinder #1 should both be loose. If the rocker arms are tight, then you are at TDC on the exhaust stroke and need to spin the rotor 180 degrees.

(4) you are making sure that (a) your firing order is still correct (1-5-3-6-2-4) and (b) that you are clipping the timing gun to the #1 wire, right? Also, if you are using a dial back timing light, make sure it is set to 0. I've made that mistake before.

Author:  Doc [ Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Try loosening the bolt on the under-side of the distributor...
You will only have to move a tooth if both slots are at the end of their range.


Author:  onemoparman [ Fri Jan 28, 2011 11:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

not to hyjack the thread but my question is related how much total advance in general do the slants like?

Author:  Reed [ Fri Jan 28, 2011 11:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

30 degrees total mechanical advance. Base timing is determined by a number of factors- emissions package, distributor springs, year of manufacture, camshaft, etc... Stock base timing specs varied from 16 BTDC to 5 ATDC, I believe.

What year is your vehicle and what model is it?

Author:  onemoparman [ Sat Jan 29, 2011 9:59 am ]
Post subject: 

so 30 mech, mines a 80 d150 but I'm going to be doing the super 6 holley 2280 and thats why I was asking just wondering what they like and run best at as far as total timing with vac and mech for a performance/mileage thanks......................... my truck factory calls for 12btdc. thanks

Author:  krosan [ Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the tip on the bolt under the distributer. Access was an issue since I didn't have a distributer wrench. I removed the oil filter for easy access. The timing is 2 1/2 degrees BTDC. It purrs like a kitten now. Thanks.

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