Slant Six Forum

Holley 1920 Carb ID
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Author:  wvenable [ Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Holley 1920 Carb ID

SSD and others, help! Trying to gather up some carbs so I can hopefully find a rebuildable pair for a Offy dual 1bbl set up (5041). Maybe someone can tell me if I have a couple compatable match.

Carb 1
1 5/16 12R-7611B (side of Bowl)

6260 2
0356 stamped on vertical surface along same plane as Holley marking

Carb 2
1 5/16 12R-7611b (side of bowl)

6260 2
0987 #'s found in same local

carbs 1&2 look almost identical Maybe thats why the #'s are similar. duh.

Carb 3
1 5/16 12A-5592B

6594 2582
3698347 same place as above
263 26 #'s facing the sky

Carb 4
1 5/16 12A-4285B

4392 #'s facing sky

Carbs 3 & 4 are earlier (I think). Carbs 1 & 2 were recently purchased from the Bruners. Hopefully you expert types can tell me the application and whether or not I have two that will work as a unit. Thanks, Wayne.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Holley 1920 Carb ID

6594: 1973 225/auto, Federal emissions (with EGR)
6260: Go fish, not in my list at the moment
4392: Go fish, not in my list at the moment

I don't have my master Holley book with me; I could swear I've seen 6260 before. Think it might be a service replacement carb for '67-'72 applications. If nothing else, you've got two same-number carbs, a decent start (though two new matched carbs would be better).

Author:  wvenable [ Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dan, thanks for the help so far. I have a couple more 1920's on the way and have my fingers crossed.

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