Slant Six Forum

Engine problems.
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Author:  Brussell [ Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Engine problems.

I don't drive the car much, turn it on once or twice a week it's not registered went to drive up hill and it stalled on me (it's an auto)

Alternator has a problem so I am charging the car up now. But what i am a little worried about is the fact that when I popped the bonnet smoke was coming from the breather cap. is it possile a bit of fuel was still draining into the engine? or is this oil that is burning etc? I looked down the top of the carb and couldn't see anything.

When the car is running smoke comes out the back (similar to old lawnmower 4 stroke smoke), as I only have the headders and no exhaust.

Any ideas?

Author:  ceej [ Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Cars that sit a lot, then get started and run for short times can get pretty gummed up.
When your ready, register it. Then;
Get a fresh oil change in it, fresh fuel and a new PCV valve. Start up and drive it for at least a couple hours while at full operating temperature, no stops. Take it easy on the car. No Wide Open Throttle stuff. Don't completely baby it, but don't stand on it either.
Stuck rings can act like this, but if flogged may break. After the drive, report back.
I had to do this to an old International some years ago. Smoked and used oil. Drove it less than ten miles at a time. I took off for the Steens and Alvord Desert. It stopped using oil about Bend. Went on up into Nevada and Utah, then headed home. Never used another drop while I owned it.

If blow-by continues, get ready for a tear down.



Author:  Dart270 [ Sat Apr 02, 2011 5:40 am ]
Post subject: 

Could just be black smoke and rich condition?


Author:  Brussell [ Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah that's what I'm hoping for!

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