Slant Six Forum

H6024XV vs H6024NH
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Author:  dookdart [ Thu May 05, 2011 8:02 am ]
Post subject:  H6024XV vs H6024NH

Can anyone give me a comparison between the Sylvania H6024XV and the GE H6024NH ? No local parts store have the Night Hawks, but most have an "equivalent" (their term).


Author:  THOR [ Thu May 05, 2011 8:10 am ]
Post subject: 

I can't compare to the night hawks, no one carries them here either.... I do, however, have the Extra Vision sylvanias instead, and they work very nicely.

My car had a standard sylvania on one side and a no-name on the other. Both of those units were rubbish. After installation of the new units, I was definitely satisfied with the results, mostly because I didn't feel like spending $27 a side for the "best" sylvania has to offer.

They work well for me, but I wouldn't be willing to recommend them in place of the night hawks which seem to be impossible to find.


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Thu May 05, 2011 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: H6024XV vs H6024NH

This is a very easy question to answer. Sylvania sealed beams -- all of them, including the XtraVision -- are garbage. Very poorly focused, low overall output. You may get the subjective impression of "good" lighting, but in (objective) fact your ability to see what you need to see is very poor. Same goes for all of the Wagner sealed beams. Really, the only sealed beams worth buying are the GE Night Hawks. They are more trouble to get ( is the easiest/cheapest source) but if you are sticking with sealed beams, they really are the only smart choice. Remember, subjective impressions of headlamp performance are useless because they are almost invariably way out of line with the actual, real performance. The human eye is a lousy judge of its own performance -- I include this information to make it clear I am not trying to slam you, Thor; I am sure you really do feel like you have improved seeing with the Xtravisions. That's what they were designed to do, create the sensation of better lighting. It's not real.

And Sylvania's "best" (i.e., most expensive), the Silver Star units, are even worse than the Xtravisions in objective safety performance terms. Total scam; that's what Sylvania mostly specializes in these days. :roll:

Author:  Joshie225 [ Thu May 05, 2011 8:35 am ]
Post subject: 

I can't compare to the night hawks, no one carries them here either....
Fred Meyer stores have the GE Nighthawk lamps.

Author:  dookdart [ Thu May 05, 2011 8:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Looks like I will mailorder the nighthawks, leaving the reg. sealed beams installed until they come in. thanks!

Author:  4speed [ Thu May 05, 2011 8:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Who makes the best 6 volt headlight for those of us that have a pre 1956 cars?

Author:  THOR [ Thu May 05, 2011 9:36 am ]
Post subject: 

I will have to go look at Fred Meyer then, thanks Josh!

I take no offense Dan, you are 100% correct, and had I been able to find them (didn't realize Fred Meyer would be useful here) I would have undoubtedly purchased them instead.

Only in the interest of getting something better than ancient mis-matched bulbs did purchase the XV units, and they are brighter, though I suppose a well lit candle may provide better vision than ancient sealed beams.

One of these days I will buy real headlights!


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Thu May 05, 2011 9:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Who makes the best 6 volt headlight for those of us that have a pre 1956 cars?
There is no 6v sealed beam worth using; they are all made on ancient, decrepit tooling. Hit my site and send me an e-mail; I can get you fixed up with good 6-volt halogen headlamps that won't spoil the appearance of the car.

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