Slant Six Forum

Clifford vs. Offy
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Author:  slantzilla [ Wed Nov 20, 2002 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Clifford vs. Offy

I went down to 41 today to run the '66 for the first time since I changed intakes. With the Clifford the motor sounds better and runs much smoother. However, when I turned onto US41 (the highway) and stood on it for the first time, I was pretty underwhelmed.
For conditions today the car should have at least been running 15:0's, but the best it ran in time runs was 15:43@85.5! Man, what a pig! I pulled the plugs after the first couple passes and they were bone white so I tossed some more jet at it. That picked it up a little, but not much.

It decided to pick up a tenth for the first round, and I ended up running a 15:35 on the brakes. Unfortunately, I was dialed at 15:42 so home I went.

I kinda figured that the Clifford would kill a little low end, but this thing wouldn't run at the big end either. I can't get over the nagging suspicion that I have a vacuum leak somewhere. Oh well, that's it for this season anyway. Time to pull Slantzilla out and freshen things up over the winter. (Orders from the boss)

NOTE: I cut and pasted this off of . I have since discovered that there is probably a sand hole through the bottom of the plenum in the Clifford so it is really an inconclusive test. :shock:

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