Slant Six Forum

Early A Disc Brake Conversion - Brake Lines
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Author:  FrankRaso [ Mon May 23, 2011 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Early A Disc Brake Conversion - Brake Lines

Having already mounted the power brake booster and master cylinder from a 74 Duster on my 65 Barracuda, I finally got around to mounting the proportioning valve. Before mounting it on the car, I did a clean-out of the proportioning valve as shown in FABO's Cleaning up a Proportional Valve.

After cleaning the valve, I reinstalled the lines from the master cylinder and then installed those lines on the master cylinder in the car. At that point, I noticed that the proportioning valve (PV) was positioned differently on the 74 than was the distribution block on my 65. The 65's block is mounted several inches aft of where the 74's PV was hanging. It looked like my option was either to mount the PV about where it hung and there are already 2 holes in frame in this area that could be used or to mount the PV at the distribution block's location.

Since my other lines obviously terminated where the distribution block was located and there was already 2 loops of brake line between the PV and the MC, I thought it would be simpler to try stretching those 2 lines than to extend my other lines.

Although I was able to stretch the MC brake lines enough to bolt the PV to the frame, I put a kink in one of the loops in the process. I was able to screw-in the brake line to the rear brakes without too much trouble. However, the lines to the front brakes would not screw in. Comparing the original 1965 front brake lines to the 1974 front brake lines, I see that the fittings on the newer lines are 1 size bigger. Even though they still appear to use the same 3/16" brake lines, the flare nut at the PV is larger than the flare nut at the brake hose.

Two questions:
  • Are there pre-assembled brake lines (ie 3/16" line with flare nuts) available with the 2 different sizes of flare nuts or do I have to build these myself?
  • Are there brake line adapter fittings (bushings?) that let me use standard pre-assembled brake line?

Author:  Dart270 [ Mon May 23, 2011 8:47 am ]
Post subject: 

There are adapter fittings available to go 3/16" std brake line to any of those MC ports. Parts stores usually have a big drawer of these, but this has been getting slimmer as time goes on.

I have used adapters and std prefabbed brake lines for all my stuff, although I have cut and flared a couple of rear lines since that is a big job to bend/replace all of that.



Author:  Charrlie_S [ Tue May 24, 2011 3:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

I needed those master cyl line fittings, for my cars, and bought extras. If you want I will look for them. These are not adapters. They go right on the 3/16 line and the line gets flaired.

Author:  FrankRaso [ Tue May 24, 2011 6:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks! I was at the parts store today to figure out what I needed.

It seems that my dad likes to buy tools at garage sales so I have about 4 tubing flare clamps but no dies. I bought a 3/16" die for the 1st part of flaring so I'm going to give making my own brake lines a try. I checked a few You-Tube videos and the process looks straightforward enough. I'll use the ends from my old lines to make up new lines.

I did end up buying a couple of 1/4" to 3/16" adapters because I thought I might as well continue using the existing lines on my 65. If I redo my lines later, I'll use the 1/4" flare nuts on my 3/16" lines at the PV.

I believe the flare nuts at the master cylinder are both 5/16". The flare nut for the front lines at the PV is also 5/16" but the one at the PV for the rear line is 3/16". The flare nuts from the PV to each front brake line are both 1/4".

What sizes of flare nuts do you have? Where did you get them?

Author:  Charrlie_S [ Wed May 25, 2011 7:27 am ]
Post subject: 

What sizes of flare nuts do you have? Where did you get them?

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