Slant Six Forum

Dizzy curve starting point
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Author:  rooster [ Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:17 am ]
Post subject:  Dizzy curve starting point


Im in the process of putting together a rebuilt dizzy. I bought the recurve spring kit here from Charlie. Slants in a 86 D100, stock.
I have changed carb from 1945 to 1920 and replaced lean B. with H.E.I. conversion. Also replaced auto with 4 speed O.D.
Not sure about rear gear ratio, but it is stock as well.
Would like your folks thoughts on what springs to start with, and what vacume can Ishould use for truck application?

Thanks in advance [no pun intended].


Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Very important! First document the curve you have now.
Plot the points at each 100 rpm interval. You could use your own or the blank example in the recurve section. This is done with the vacuum advance unplugged and a dial back (advance) timing light makes the job go quicker.........

It depends on what governor you have......we need to know that first.
Example: if you have a 7R or 9R you might try the green and black combination. Plot the results after installation. Then take it for a drive.

Example 2: If you had a 15R (you shouldn't since it is a truck) use the green with a heavy black long looped spring from a 383, 400 or 440 distributor. That will keep the weights from traveling too far.....and over advancing.

Let us know how it goes......and send your plot. My plot is in the recurve section as an example of a very aggressive curve. The blank form can be found there too.

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