Slant Six Forum

Another reason to shun the Standard CH-410X distributor caps
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Author:  olafla [ Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:52 am ]
Post subject:  Another reason to shun the Standard CH-410X distributor caps

The reason for placing this thread in the 'engine' section instead of the 'electrical' section, is that the subject was recently persued in a thread here.
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I have had some trouble with my Magnecor plug wires, they seemed to be a bad fit for my new Standard Bluestreak CH-410X distributor cap. Normally, when you pull a spark plug wire form the cap, the boot make a sound like pulling a cork from a bottle. The Magnecor wires almost fell off. So I sat down and inspected all the SL6 caps I had lying around, and also those for the mopar SB V8. The Standard caps are really bad made! Rick Covalt recently commented on the lousy quality, and I confirmed that by posting pics of the inside of the caps. So I sat down and measured the outside of the different caps.

The outside of the wire posts on the original mopar cap, has a diameter of app. 5/8" (40/64") near the top, increasing to app. 21/32" (42/64") at the bottom.

The Standard CH-410 replacement cap is app. 39/64" at the top, tapering to slightly more than 5/8" (40/64") at the bottom.

The top of the line CH-410X Blue Line Cap is app. 37/64" at the top, and app. 39/64" at the bottom.

I measured, and found similar results, for the stock mopar vs. Standard caps for the SB mopar V8 as well, because I have also bought Magnecor wires for my 318.

No wonder the boots of my beautiful new Magnecor wires has a loose fit, the Standard caps are crap!

The Magnecor wires are superb, and when fitted to the old stock cap, they come off with a loud 'pop' when pulled, so the fit is clearly perfect! Magnecors are warmly recommended!

So I guess the question is what make and model distributor cap can be recommended in the future; a well made cap with copper/brass posts and measurments equal to the stock cap. I suggest members make their findings known.


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Most all injection-moulded thermoplastic distributor caps, including Mopar caps made since the switch to thermoplastic in the early '80s, tend to have smaller-OD towers than most all compression-moulded thermoset phenolic/alkyd caps. Brand does not matter. The Magnecor folks are still working on boot selection for slant-6 wires, and it's been pretty hit-and-miss for some years now. Earlier this year I sent them several caps, both injection- and compression-moulded varieties, and they sent me a set of wires with distributor-end boots that snugly fit the smaller-diameter towers on an injection-moulded cap. Donno when you ordered your Magnecor wires, but your beef lies with their boot selection. They'll probably send you smaller-ID distributor-end boots if you ask them to. Or you can scruff around looking for new old stock distributor caps!

A more solid reason to shun the CH-410X distributor cap is that it no longer exists in Standard's product line. There's been previous discussion on this topic.

Olaf, by all means come up with your own distributor cap recommendation based on whatever you wanna base it on. People will follow whatever advice they find to work for them, and that's as it should be. Perhaps things work differently in Norway! Image

Author:  Dart270 [ Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hopefully Magnecor will figure this out. Thanks for the info, guys.


Author:  USAJon [ Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:42 pm ]
Post subject: ... 35b32fc98c

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